Working Together

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Uma, Celia, and I were sitting eating a slice of Jane's cake and Mal comes up behind Uma and says "That was a really good idea, to check Audrey's room. Now, we know that we're on the right track"

Uma faces Mal and asks "Is there an insult in there that I missed?" "Just... I wanted to thank you" Mal tells her smiling. I look at the two smiling at the fact that they are finally starting to get along.

🌹Audrey's P.O.V🌹

I was watching Mal through the scepter and I see her and Uma getting along and yell "No! You think you're on the right track? We're not going anywhere! Let's mess them up a little"

Then Chad says to me "I say we go back to my place and maybe binge-watch some TV?" I use my magic and lower him to ground onto his knees and he continues "Huh? Or maybe order some stuff online? Yeah? Yeah. What about pizza, huh?"

Then I lower him all the way on the floor and he says "Yeah, you don't like pizza. Salad? Sa...!" I use the scepter and launch him backwards into the closet. He screams and I close the door with the scepter while he continues yelling "No, no, no, no, no, Audrey. Audrey. Audrey!"

Then I lock the door and laugh while he bangs on the door and yells "Audrey!" and continues banging. I smirk and then walk away.

🌹Roses P.O.V🌹

We were at Evie's place still waiting for the guys and Uma says "I don't know whose birthday it is, but I want this cake" Mal chuckles and says "So, I maybe kind of missed the boat a little bit on calling you Shrimpy and not letting you join the gang"

"Yeah" Uma agrees and says "We really could've torn up the Isle together" I smile at the two of them getting along and joke with them "See it's not that hard to be friends" They both hit each of my shoulders jokingly and we all laugh.

Then all of a sudden planks start boarding up the house and Uma says "Oh!" and then she calls out "Celia!" "We're trapped!" Celia yells and runs over to us.

"Are you guys okay? What's going on?" Evie asks running in with Doug. Mal holds her arms out and chants "You've caused my friends pain and fear. We've had enough, now disappear!" Nothing happens.

She looks at her hands in shock and says "You guys, I'm sorry. My spells aren't working. Audrey's magic is getting stronger"

Then Uma's necklace starts glowing and she grabs Mal's hand and they look at each other and chant "You've caused our friends pain and fear we've had enough, now disappear"

All the boards drop. "You did it! Together!" Evie says and I say "This is what Evie and I have been talking about" Uma looks at Mal and says "I guess my shell likes you" then Mal laughs.

Uma pulls the ember out of the shell and says "Why don't you hold on to that?" While passing it to Mal. Then they fist bump and Mal laughs again. Then Celia runs to the window and turns to me and Mal and says "Hey, it's your bae's" Then Mal and I start making our way towards the door with the rest of them following us.

🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

We were walking up to the door to Evie's place and Mal runs out and hugs me saying "Ben!" We pull apart and I ask her "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm so much better right now. Are you okay?" She asks me and I say "Yeah"

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

Rose comes running out after Mal and comes up to me and I kiss her automatically and say "Hey was everything okay with the girls" "Yeah" Rose tells me and I sigh in relief and she tells me "I told you I would be fine" I kiss her again and say "Well I'm allowed to be worried I love you" "I love you too" she tells me.

🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

I look at Uma and say "I always knew you'd be part of the solution" Then I turn back to Mal and she says "What is this?" running her hands on the beard I have from Audrey's spell and I say "Oh, yeah" and she tells me "I could get used to this" "You like it?" I ask her. "I love this" she tells me.

"What about those?" Uma says coming up to us and pointing about my fangs and I say "Oh" and show them off to Mal and she says "No" and I say "I like them" then we laugh.

Then Mal says to me "Okay, so, we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?"

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day" I answer in a slightly annoyed tone and then ask "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?" "I wish I knew" Jane tells me and then I look back to Mal.

I turn to Doug and say "Doug! Go with Jane. We need to find Fairy Godmother" "They might need some muscle" Uma says and Doug complains "Hey" and Gil looks at his arms and say "Well, I'll go"

"Yeah, actually, I would feel better" Carlos says and then Evie agrees "Yeah, actually, I'd feel better, too" "Same" Mal says and then Doug looks at us in shock but then gives in and says "Actually, I would, too"

"All right, man. Let's do it" Gil says throwing his arm over Doug's shoulders and turns to Jane and says "Let's go, Jane" "Okay" she says and Carlos tells her "Be careful, okay?" "I will" she assures him.

We watch them walk off and then everyone else starts heading inside while Mal grabs my hand and leans her head on my arm and we hear Carlos say "Come on, Dude" and then we turn and make our way inside as well to work on a plan for confronting Audrey.

🌹Roses P.O.V🌹

We get to Fairy Cottage and are sneaking through the bushes and trees. We get inside and see nothing and Jay runs upstairs. We walk further into the cottage and Jay runs back down and tells us "She's not upstairs"

Then we hear banging on the door next to Ben and we all head closer to it being prepared for anything Audrey could've left behind. Ben looks through the window and then opens the door quickly and we see Chad hugging his knees on the floor.

"Chad?" I ask and he says "I want my mommy" then Ben goes to help him up and he says "No" and flinches back. Ben grabs his arm and reassures him "It's okay" while helping him up and Ben asks him "What happened, buddy?"

Then Chad peeks out of the closet and hums "Hmm" when he sees us and stands up straight. "Ben. Ben!" Chad gasps and grips onto Ben tighter and Ben says "Okay" shocked by his behavior and Chad says "Your face"

"She's gone? Huh?" Chad asks for clarification looking at us and then sees the open door and says "The door is open. I'm free" then yells "Freedom! Oh! Freedom!" While running out the door and Harry starts to laugh and we all head out of the cottage.

🌹Jane's P.O.V🌹

Gil, Doug, and I were looking around for my mom and we come across her frozen as a statue "Oh, my gosh" I say. I head down the steps closer to her with Gil and Doug on the step behind me and I say "Hi, Mom. Um, I don't know if you can hear me. But it's been a really crazy day. On the plus side, it's been the longest birthday I've ever had. On the minus side, everybody's under an evil spell. But on the plus side, Carlos remembered my birthday"

"See?" I say holding up my necklace. Then I tell her "We're going to figure out how to undo this. We'll find a way to make this right, Mom"


Wow that was a lot of P.O.V changes once again. 3 more chapters until Rose's journey ends. I want to know though next chapter how do you guys think Rose is going to react to Mal's lie? As always thank you for reading and I'll see you next chapter. Love you all!! 💗

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