Dates, Dresses, and Cotillion Plans

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Jay and I were walking on the beach holding hands while I held my shoes is my other hand.

I turn my head to Jay "I miss doing this. Just the two of us without getting attacked by the paparazzi" "Me too" Jay tells me and kisses my forehead.

"I've been trying to get the council to allow Ben and I to bring over more VK's but they are being very stubborn about it" I tell him. We stop walking and Jay turns fully to me. "They'll come around sooner or later knowing you, you won't give up until all of those children are off the isle" Jay assures me.

"I know I just wish it could happen sooner" I say solemnly. "It will happen one day I'm sure of it" Jay encourages. I look at the time on my phone. "Oh shoot we should be heading back to school we have class in a few minutes" "Yeah let's head back"

🌹Rose's P.O.V.🌹

Jay and I got back to school and we were walking with the other VK's on our way to class when Carlos turns to Jay. "Um, Jay... if you weren't dating Rose already and were gonna ask someone to Cotillion what's the best way to go?" He asks.

"Listen, all you got to do..." Jay pauses for a second and then jokes "is look like me" "Oh, ha-ha" Carlos responds sarcastically. "Jay be nice" I say while smacking his arm and chuckling a little bit.

Then Jane comes up to me and Mal. "Mal! Rose!"

"Hey, Jane" Carlos says shyly. "Hey" Jane says back smiling. "I was wondering... uh..." He pauses for a second and finishes "If you liked the... carrot cake last night" "I had the pumpkin pie" Jane responds.

"Oh, cool. Um, uh..." Carlos stumbles. "Smooth" Jay jokes grabbing Carlos' shoulders and turning him away and leading him down the stairs after I kiss his cheek.

Lonnie also appears almost out of nowhere it feels like and Evie asks "I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00.
Who wants it?" Jane goes to answer but Lonnie beats her to it and says "Me!" and turns to Jane and says "Sorry"

"Perfect" Evie says and then turns to Jane "I'll take you later" Evie turns back to Lonnie and they start heading down the stairs to start planning out her dress "Okay, well..."

Jane turns to Mal and I "Mal? Rose?" Mal snaps out of a daze "Yes?" "I hate to keep bugging you both, but the decorating committee needs more answers" Jane pauses for a second then continues "So, as much as I hate to, know, um..." "Bug us?" I ask "Right" Jane says.

"Yeah, Jane, We would love to" Mal starts but I see her getting flustered and finish "We just have to get to class"
Jane gets worried and says "You know, just nod if you like it" "Okay" we agree hesitantly.

"Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights. Napkin design. Table bunting. And you still haven't picked
the party favors yet." Jane says in what seems like one breath. "Honestly, Jane, whatever you think..." Mal says just wanting to go to class.

"I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers. I kind of love the pen toppers, but, I mean, we can do all three" Jane continues but we both pause in shock when we see Mal's eyes light up green for a second before she shuts them and takes a deep breath.

"I say pen toppers" Mal says. "Yeah?" Jane asks "Yeah" I agree. "You won't regret it" Jane tells us. "Okay" I say while Mal laughs nervously. Then Lonnie and Evie come back and Lonnie says "I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like!" "Me, too." Mal says but then processes what Lonnie said and says "Wait! What?!"

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged" I tell her. Evie gasps and says "I knew it!" excitedly. "Well, everyone knows it" Lonnie says in a 'duh' tone. "I didn't know it!" Mal worries. "How come nobody told me that? Does Jay know?" She asks me. "Yeah I told him a while ago I thought Ben told you" I tell her.

"So I'm the only one who didn't know. Is my entire life just planned out in front of me..." Mal rants but gets cut of when Ben appears and says "Hi, Mal" "Hi, Ben" Lonnie, Evie, and Jane say in unison while Mal says "Hi"awkwardly.

"Oh, oh. Quick moment" Jane pulls Ben away from Mal. "Uh..." Ben says hesitantly. "All right, they're almost finished with the surprise for Mal's big night. Snow White, Belle. But the one you designed for Mal is my favorite" Jane says showing him the stain glass so far.

"Make sure her eyes are green" Ben says then turns to Mal "Uh... see you later?" "Okay" Mal says then she heads down the stairs and I go over to Ben and Jane. "Which green should they use?" Jane asks holding up three different shades of green.

"Uh..." Ben looks at all three for a second and then picks the darkest one and raises it to his eye level. "This one" he says confidently. Jane smiles and I tell Ben "Mal is going to love it I promise" "Thanks for the support Rose I couldn't have done any of this without you" "No problem now I have to get to class see you later" I tell Ben and then leave.


Heys guys it's been a while. First off Happy Thanksgiving! And second sorry I haven't been posting recently. I have been getting readjusted to school with the new COVID regulations and I had my Sweet 16 party on the 22nd and have been writing candle speeches for that lately and since I'm a Junior in high school my mom is making me start to look for colleges but we have a whole week of virtual classes this week cause of Thanksgiving so I am hoping to get another chapter out this week. Also thank you for 2.1K views!!! I love you 😘 all see you next chapter!!

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