Hades in Auradon and Apologies

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

We were all in Audrey's room worried about her because she still hasn't woken up. Evie was sitting on Audrey's left holding her hand and Mal was sitting on Audrey's right.

"She's slipping away" Evie says softly. Mal drops her head in defeat. We all have a grim expression on our faces.

Mal lifts her head, takes a deep breath, and says "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades"

"Hades? He wouldn't do it" Ben says. Mal looks at him and he continues "I wouldn't risk it"

"Actually, he might do it for me" Mal says. Then pause and says "He's my father" We all looked shocked except for Evie and Celia and Ben whispers "Okay" and then says louder "Well, I'll have to send guards to get him"

Jay, Carlos, and I walk closer to Ben while Uma says "Maybe I can hitch a ride" We all look at her and she says to us "The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it"

Harry gets up walks to her putting his hands on her shoulders and says "Well, then, you will need your first mate" and she softly chuckles at him. "The Isle will be in very good hands" Mal says and Uma smiles at her. "I agree" I say.

Then Celia puts down the pillow she was holding, stands up, and asks "Can I go, too?" We all turn to her and she says "I wish I could be in both places"

Mal stands up and faces Uma and says "I really think that Evie was right. And... I do think that we could've been friends" and I smile at them and then she looks at all of us and says "And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys" then faces me directly and says "And Rose I'm espionage sorry to you for making it seem like it was your idea when talking to Evie about it"

Then pauses and finishes "You deserved so much better than that" Jay stops her and says "You were just trying to do the right thing" I nod in agreement with him and Uma says "Yeah" Then Evie stands up and says "I get it"

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹
The Next Day with Hades

Mal, Ben, his parents, Fairy Godmother, and Queen Leah are all in Audrey's room then there is a knock on the door and Adam heads to open the door.

He opens it and backs up and Hades walks into the room escorted by guards and in handcuffs. Mal approaches them, puts her hands behind her back, and says to Hades "Thank you for coming"

"Didn't have much choice" Hades replies annoyed. "Can you wake her?" Ben asks. "Since when do heroes care about villains?" Hades asks tilting his head.

"She's..." Ben starts looking at Audrey and Hades finishes for him "One of your own" then he chuckles sarcastically saying "Right" then says "When you guys try to destroy the world... it's an error in judgment" while shrugging and then continues "But when it's one of us... lock them up and throw away the key"

Then turns to Adam and says "Right, Beast?" Then he holds up his hands suddenly which makes Mal jump back and everyone except for Ben and I to look worried. "Yeah. I'm gonna need to use my hands" Hades says sarcastically.

Then Ben nods and the guards un-cuff him and he holds his hand out. Mal places it in his hand and his hair lights on fire and he sighs and then says "Haven't lost my touch"

Hades starts growling at Adam who starts growling back and Mal says "Dad!" And he stops facing Mal while I shake my head at their behavior. Hades shrugs and walks in front of Audrey's bed with Mal, Ben, and I following her.

He starts waving the ember in circles over Audrey and the room glows blue. Then Audrey sits up with pink sparkles coming off her and her eyes open and we all gasp in thankfulness "Audrey. You're okay" Queen Leah says and FGM stands up putting her hand over her heart in shock.

She looks at Mal, Ben, and I and pleads "Tell me it was all a bad dream" "I wish I could" I tell her and Ben adds "But, it's over now"

Hades scoffs lightly and Audrey kneels and looks to Mal and Ben and says "I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you both" then looks at everyone in the room and says "I wanted to hurt all of you"

Mal steps forward holding Audrey's hand and says "I have owed you an apology for... a very long time now" and Audrey smiles at her. "And so have I" Ben says stepping forward.

"And perhaps, I have owed you one, too" Queen Leah says to Mal. Then she bows to Mal who curtsies in response.

Adam then signals the guards to Hades and he says "Oh, yeah" dramatically. They lead him out of the room. Mal heads out after him.

🌹Mal's P.O.V🌹

I walk into the hallway after my dad and call out "Dad!" They stop and he turns towards me and the guards grab him and I say with a watery voice "I'm gonna have to miss you all over again"

"Thanks for a glimpse of the sun" He says smiling at me. I walk up and kiss his cheek. The guards turn him around to start his journey back to the Isle and he slips the ember into my hand. I watch them walk away and I look at the ember. Then enclose my fist around it, close my eyes, and take a deep breath while crying, and then chuckle sadly.


Hey guys wow there is only one more chapter left in Rose's journey.

So since it's almost the final chapter I want your opinion would you like it if I made another book with Bloopers and Extra Scenes for each character I create?

That book would also be where I might put my list of stories I plan on writing so that you all could vote for what you want to see next?

Please comment and let me know if this is something you would enjoy!

Anyway... Thanks for reading! See you next chapter! Love you all!! 💗💗

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