Proposal Time

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🌹Mal's P.O.V🌹
(Pretend the jeans for Rose's outfit don't have rips and the necklace is a gift from Jay)

I was standing on the balcony looking over the ocean with binoculars looking for Uma. Ben comes over behind me and I tell him "Not a tentacle in sight" Ben looks at me and says "I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now"

"No, Ben, I know how villains think" I tell him and then look back over the water and continue "And I don't trust Uma, as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then, that's when she's gonna strike"

I pause and then say "I really wish I had time to go do a dragon flyover because I can go so much higher" while looking back over the ocean with the binoculars.

Ben lowers them and says to me "Well, you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, I've got your back" He says motioning to the other guards watching over the ocean. "Now, come on, everyone's waiting for us" Ben finishes.

He starts leading us off the balcony and I stop and ask "Wait. But you're getting more guards?" "I'm getting more guards, now breathe" he tells me and we both exhale. "Now, come on" He tells me. "Okay" I say and we head off the balcony.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Everyone is outside the front of the school talking excitedly about the new VK's coming over. Evie gasps and says "Here they come"

The band starts playing while Ben and Mal are walking out and Mal says "Hey, how are you?" To someone they pass. They make it up onto the platform. "Stay" Fairy Godmother tells Mal and she asks "Stay here?" While pointing at where she was standing.

"Yes" Fairy Godmother and then FG says "Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" into the microphone.

"Yes" Jane calls out and FG calls to Ben "Ben" He comes up takes the microphone from FG and says "Thank you, Fairy Godmother" and then calls out "What's up, Auradon?" And everyone cheers.

He then says "Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon" Then I hear Queen Leah mutter "Not like we had a choice" "It worked out pretty well for the first four" Ben continues and Chad yells out "Yeah, especially for you and Rose"

"Really funny" Audrey snaps at Chad while literally snapping in his face. Ben turns to Mal and says "Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life." Then pauses and asks "But did I mention, I'm in love with you?" "Aw" Mal says.

Ben then starts singing with Evie, Carlos, Jay, and me harmonizing under him while he walks around in a circle with Mal.

I met this girl that rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just
For her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that
It could happen to a guy like me
But now look
At what you've done
You got me down on my knee

He finishes singing down on his knee. Mal gasps and her hands fly to cover her mouth in shock and Ben says "Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever" Then pulls out a ring box and Ben asks "Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?"

Mal gasps in happiness and Audrey yells out "No!" But everyone ignores her and Mal removes her hands from her mouth and says "Yes" Carlos starts the cheering by calling out "Yes, yeah!" And everyone else starts cheering.

"Oh, my..." Mal says in shock while everyone's still cheering. I hug Jay and kiss him while Carlos chest bumps Adam and my dad but then he realizes what he did and says "I am so sorry" "It's okay" Adam and my dad tells him and Carlos says once more "I'm so sorry"

Then Carlos and Jay do a 'bro hug' (I had no clue what else to call it)

"Makes our movie nights seem a little tame" Doug says to Evie. "I love y..." Evie starts but then freezes and says "Movies" "Me too" Doug says. "Yeah" Evie agrees and they face Ben and Mal once more.

"A lifetime of plans, gone. Our family status, gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his Queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold onto a prince in her sleep"

"Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Grammy?" Audrey snaps. Then a girl says "Ben and Mal are the best. I'm so excited for Mal to be our Queen" and Audrey turns around and snaps "You'd really rather have a V.K. on the throne than me? What is wrong with you, people?" Then the girl moves away from her and she asks herself "What is wrong with everybody?"

"I'm engaged, man" Ben says coming over Carlos, Jay, and Doug and they all cheer for him. While Mal runs towards Evie, and I and asks us "What, did you know?"
"Everything" Evie and I say to her while hugging her.

"You are going to rock that crown" I tell her and Evie says "Okay. So I've only done about 1,000 sketches of your wedding dress" Then I continue and say "and Belle and my mom have already planned an engagement party next week"

She gasps and says "Well, it's a really good thing I said yes" and head towards them. Adam says "Hugs. Hi" and Mal repeats "Hugs. Hi"

"I finally get a daughter" Belle says while hugging Mal. "Congrats, Son" Adam calls out to Ben and he says "Thanks, Dad" while Mal says "I love you, Belle" who says in response "Aw, I love you"

Then Mal hugs both of my parents who both tell her "Congratulations" she says "Thank you" and then hugs FG who says "Oh, sweetie. I'm so happy for you both" she says when Ben gets over to them.

"Thank you so much, Fairy Godmother" Ben says and then Mal starts looking at the ring and he leans towards FG and whispers "I think she liked it" "Bippity-boppity, you betcha" FG whispers back with a wink.

They laugh at FG and then Jay calls out "All bow to Her Royal Majesty" "Oh, yes, her Royal Purple-ness" Carlos adds taking his hat off and we all mock bowing to her. Mal then waves her hand and jokes while starting to walk away "Silence, you annoying peasants"

"As you wish, my liege" Jay says and Carlos adds "Your Crankiness" and Evie hits Carlos on the shoulder while I hit Jay on the chest in a playful way, and we all laugh.

They walk away and Jay says to me "I have something for you too" "Really?" I say. He says "Yeah" and pulls out a large box and opens it to show me a necklace with my family's crest on it. I gasp and say "It's beautiful. Thank you Jay" and then I ask "Will you help me put it on?"

I turn around and pull up my hair and he put the necklace on me and then kisses my cheek and says "I love you" I turn to face him and say "I love you too"

Then Audrey grabs Mal's arm and Mal turns to look at her and Audrey says "Congratulations" Mal takes in a breath still smiling and Audrey continues "You won him fair and square" then pauses and says in a meaner tone "Oh, wait, no, you didn't. You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon"

Mal smile drops and Audrey continues "Touching story for the grandkids" Then Ben calls out "Okay. Let's do this" getting their attention and Mal turns back to Audrey and says "Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us. So... if you'll excuse me" and then walks away.

Everyone is cheering again as we all head into the limo. I get into the front with Jay while a guard says to Mal "Congratulations, m'lady Mal" "Thank you" she says and gets in and then the guard says to Ben "Your Majesty"

Then Ben gets into the limo and we all head off to the Isle to pick up the next group of VK's.


Hey guys sorry for posting during school for those of you in school right now. My school has a PSAT day today so I don't have like 3 of my classes so I had some free time to write. I know this chapter kinda doesn't make sense for being in Rose's P.O.V but I didn't want to switch from hers to 3rd person so anything that you think Rose wouldn't have been able to hear imagine that in 3rd person anyway I can't wait for Hades next chapter I'll probably have it out today as well. Thanks for reading! Love you all!! 💗💗

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