Family Day

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

It was finally family day and I was standing with Ben getting ready to start the performance even thought I really didn't want to be in it. Ben starts off "Ma cherie Mademoiselle, It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure That we welcome you tonight" and I continue "And now, we invite you to relax, Let us pull up a chair As the dining room proudly presents - Your dinner!"

The other AK's join in and we start singing.
♫ Be... our... guest! ♫
♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Put our service to the test ♫ ♫ Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie ♫ ♫ And we'll provide the rest ♫

♫ Soup du jour ♫ ♫ Hot hors d'oeuvres ♫ ♫ Why, we only live to serve ♫ ♫ Try the grey stuff ♫ ♫ It's delicious! ♫ ♫ Don't believe me? ♫ ♫ Ask the dishes ♫

♫ They can sing! ♫ ♫ They can dance! ♫ ♫ After all, Miss, this is France! ♫ ♫ And the dinner here is never second best! ♫

♫ Go on, unfold your menu ♫ ♫ Take a glance and then you'll ♫ ♫ Be our guest ♫ ♫ Oui, our guest ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫

♫ We tell jokes, ♫ ♫ I do tricks! ♫ ♫ With my fellow candlesticks ♫

♫ And it's all in perfect taste ♫ ♫ That you can bet ♫

♫ Come on and lift your glass ♫ ♫ You've won your own free pass ♫ ♫ To be our guest ♫

♫ If you're stressed ♫ ♫ It's fine dining we suggest! ♫

♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫

After we finished singing me and Ben headed over to our parents who were standing together. "Oh... That was so lovely!" My mother compliments me and Ben.

"Thanks mom" I say. "There's my favorite daughter" my dad said to me. "I'm your only daughter dad" I tell him with a chuckle. "And that's why your my favorite" he says back.

Then the photographer starts to position us for the annual photo we take with Ben and his parents. "Just here?" Adam asks the photographer. "Ready?" The photographer asks. "Oh, by the way, I have a new girlfriend" Ben brings up "Oh!" Adam says in question. "Yeah" Ben confirms.

"Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up" Belle confesses then Ben decides to bring me into the conversation "And Rose has a boyfriend" I give Ben a look that's says 'why did you bring me into this'

"Do we know your new girlfriend and your boyfriend?" My dad questions with the protective dad look in his eyes. "On the count of three. One, two..." the photographer starts counting down for the photo "Well, kind of. Jay!" I call out and Ben calls out "Mal!"

Mal and Jay start heading towards us when the photographer calls out "Three!" And Ben, my parents, and I look nice in the photo but Ben's parents have shocked faces. "Huh?" Belle says shocked.

"Hey Jay I wanna introduce you to my parents" I say bringing him over to my parents. "Mom, Dad This is Jay, from the island my boyfriend. Jay this is my mom Rapunzel and my dad Eugene" I introduce "Hi" my parents say. "Hi" Jay says back awkwardly.

"Just call me Flynn" my dad tells him while shaking Jay's hand. "I was thinking maybe Jay could join us for lunch" I asked my parents. "Of course. Any friend of our Rose. Besides I would like to get to know this young man better" my dad says and I give him a look that says 'please don't scare him' "I actually came with my friends" Jay says.

"Well, they should come too considering Mal will most likely be with Ben for lunch which means we would all be together" my mom tells Jay. "Yeah, Thank you. I'll go grab them" "How about a game of croquet before lunch? So that we can get to know you better" My dad asks him. "Of course" Jay says. "Game on" I tell my father. "Game on"

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