Dizzy, Fake Wands, and New Recruits

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Mal, Evie, and I walk into Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye and Evie gasps and then puts her finger to her lips and says "Shh" "Okay" Mal and I whisper back and Evie and Mal sneak around towards a young girl which I assume to be Dizzy and I follow behind them quietly.

Evie is standing on Dizzy's left while Mal goes to Evie's right. Then Evie crouches down towards Dizzy and Dizzy notices and asks "Evie?" Then she gets excited and stands up and says with more excitement "Evie! You came back!" while hugging Evie and Evie says "Hi!" With a huge smile which causes me to smile from the side.

"Hey. So great to see you, too" Mal says dryly which causes me to let a chuckle "Don't worry Mal I love you" I say putting my arm around her shoulder and Dizzy looks at me in shock and says "Oh my gosh your Princess Rosalie!" And does a little scream of excitement and she asks me "Can I give you a hug!?"

"Of course you can! And just call me Rose" I tell her and she runs over and gives me a huge hug and squeals again which makes us three older girls laugh. Then she let's go of me and starts firing off questions towards Evie, Mal, and I. "Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?"

Evie goes down to eye level with her and says "It's cold and it's sweet, and if you eat it too fast, it gives you a headache" "Really?" Dizzy asks in excitement. "Yeah" Evie and I tell her.

Dizzy gains a look of remembrance and says to Evie "I saved your sketch book for you" Then runs toward the entrance of the room while Evie asks "You did?" In shock and looks towards Mal. Then Dizzy comes back with a book in hand and Evie says "Dizzy!" with love in her voice and then once Dizzy puts the book down Evie sits and says "Oh, my gosh"

Evie runs her hand down the cover and says "Wow" Then opens the book to a page and says "I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins" Mal chuckles a bit and Dizzy says "It reminds me of the dresses you made for Mal and Rose when Mal met Jasmine"

"I spilled curry all over mine" Mal says thinking back to that day. "You did" Evie tells her while I say "Yep" and Dizzy starts to laugh a bit which cause us all to laugh and says "Yeah, I saw that"

Mal and I walk away to give them some time to reunite and to start making smoke bombs. "You're totally right, Dizzy. This was... this was totally the inspiration for that" Evie tells her. "I knew it!" Dizzy exclaims happily and then says "You can take the girl out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the girl" while hugging Evie's shoulders.

Then Evie closes the book and sees a heart jewel with a crown and a bracelet and holds them up with the jewel in the center of the bracelet and asks Dizzy "Is this... too much, or is this fabulous?" Then Dizzy says "Hand me the glue gun!" And starts to put it together.

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

Carlos and I make it back to the school and are almost at our dorm. I'm thinking about Rose a hoping that she is okay and didn't get taken again and that she's safe with the girls.

Dude comes running out of our room and Carlos bends down and picks him up while saying "Hi. Oh, I'm sorry I'm so late, Dude. Ben got captured" standing up and heads towards our door but I stop him and say "Don't. Why is our door open?"

We walk into the doorframe and see Chad using our printer and Carlos says "You've got to be kidding me" Chad jumps, stops the printer and looks at us and says "I knocked" and then chuckles nervously. Carlos puts Dude down while saying "Go on, Dude" then we move closer to Chad and Carlos holds his hand out for the key.

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