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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹
The next day

I was running around with Mal like crazy because we need Evie's help for our dates. "There you are! We have been looking for you literally everywhere!" Mal calls out when we finally find Evie with Doug at one of the picnic tables.

"What's wrong?" Evie asks us when she sees us speed walking over. "Ben just asked me out on..." Mal pauses and huffs before finishing "a date" "and I have a date with Jay" I add on.

"Nice" Doug encourages. "We can handle this" Evie's says to us and then turns to Doug and says "Bye" "Bye"

We start walking towards the dorms and Evie starts talking about her ideas for us "You're both looking a little pale" "Yeah, of course" I say "I can fix that with some gloss and some blush" Evie says but Mal says "No!"

"Mal, I can use the..." Evie tries again but gets interrupted by Mal "No, no, no"

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹
Mal and Evie's dorm room

I was finishing putting on makeup that Evie picked out for my date while Evie was finishing Mal's makeup.

"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could" Mal says "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes"

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips. I never had a sister" Mal says sadly "Well, now you have two" I tell Mal.

"We're going to need all the family we can get If we don't pull this off" Evie says to Mal but before I could question what she means she continues a bit louder "My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White"

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asks "Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Evie returns the question "I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me... In her own way" Mal says sadly and then Evie turns to me and asks "Are you ever afraid of your parents Ro?"

"Well yeah sometimes I feel like I disappoint her because because I act more like my dad and not like most girls in Auradon" I say sadly "Moving on. Both of you come see" Evie changes the subject and pulls us to the mirror.

"Oh" "Wow" Mal and I say shocked at the same time. "I know" Evie says proudly. "I look..." Mal starts "Say it" Evie encourages "Not hideous" Mal finishes. "Not even close" Evie promises.

We hear a knock on the door so Evie and I go over and open the door to see Jay standing there. "Hi" I say to Jay. "Hey you look amazing" He compliments me "Thank you" "Shall we?" He jokes with me in a fake posh voice while holding out his hand. I laugh and take his hand and joke back "We shall" and then Evie closes the door behind us while we laugh at each other.

🌹Rose's  P.O.V🌹

Me and Jay have left the dorm areas and are walking through the garden because I am leading him to where I set up for our date.

"So where are we going" Jay asks me. I smile at him and say "We are heading to a secret spot I found, not even Ben knows about it" "Really?" Jay questions "Yep" I say popping the 'p'

A few minutes later I stop with Jay in front of a bush and Jay asks me "Why'd you stop?" Then I smile and pull part of the bush aside to reveal a wooden door with a golden handle and a stain glass picture of a rose.

I wink at him while smirking after noticing his look of surprise and then open the door to reveal a secret garden.

"Welcome to my hiding place" I say while grabbing his hand a pulling him down the path to the clearing where I have a picnic blanket set up

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"Welcome to my hiding place" I say while grabbing his hand a pulling him down the path to the clearing where I have a picnic blanket set up.

We sit down on the blanket and Jay asks me "How did you find this place?" "Well, one day I was upset so I went on a walk in the garden to clear my head and I ended up tripping over a rock I didn't notice and fell through the bush into the door and...

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We sit down on the blanket and Jay asks me "How did you find this place?" "Well, one day I was upset so I went on a walk in the garden to clear my head and I ended up tripping over a rock I didn't notice and fell through the bush into the door and I've been coming back to this place whenever I get upset or need alone time ever since because no one else knows about this place" I pause for a second but then I joke to him with a chuckle "You should feel honored I brought you here"

He laughs as well and says "I am very honored" before pausing and adding "Especially since not even Ben, your best friend, has been here"

"So what are things like on the isle...... if you don't want to tell me that's fine I respect it if you don't want to talk about it" I say to him.

"Well, on the isle the only way to survive is to basically steal because our parents don't really care about us unless we impress them which causes most of us to only act the way we do to impress them" He tells me solemnly.

"Well now you're in Auradon, your parents can't force you to do anything so you can become who you want to be and not who they want you to be" I assure him.

"Thank you Rose.... by the way I was wondering if you wanted to go to coronation together and maybe if you don't hate me too much if you would like to be my girlfriend" Jays asks me a bit nervously.

"I would love to about both being your girlfriend and going to coronation together" I tell him and grab his hand smiling at him.


Hey guys sorry the update is late it was my sisters birthday this weekend and I've been getting ready to go back to school on Tuesday so I am changing the update day from Friday's to Weekends instead and thank you all for 561 views I can't believe this story is doing so well. Love you all 💕😘

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