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Hey guys I was tagged by PichuIzzy for this so here I go!

1.  I don't really have a favorite band I mainly listen to broadway music

2. My mental age is probably like 5 years old

3. I have way to many favorite songs but if I had to pick one the one I would pick is She Used To Be Mine from Waitress

4. My favorite movie is every single Marvel movie ever made

5. My favorite quote from a song is "Never gonna be president now" in the song The Reynolds Pamphlet from Hamilton because it make me laugh when Thomas Jefferson starts bouncing on the desk

6. Depends once I stayed up till 7:30 A.M and then crashed for three hours with a friend at a sleepover but when I'm at home about till 1-3 A.M I stay up till

7. My dream job is acting because I am in love with musical theatre

8. My profile picture is a quote "Me before showering: I don't want to.   Me while showering: I live here now" I have this because even though I'm in high school I am obsessed with Mermaids as foretold by my username and I take like 2 hours each time I shower for absolutely no reason

9. I'm like in the middle of teachers pet and rule breaker

10. I like my name but if I could rename myself it would be Alexia so that I could use the nickname Lexi

11. My celebrity crushes are Thomas Doherty, Tom Holland, and Tom Hiddleston (Idk how all of my celeb crushes ended up with the same first name)

12. I'm not really into either of those movie genres

13. Wattpad definitely

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