Rose and Knight Falls

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🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

We made it to the castle and Mal yells out "Ben!" Dude says "This way" leading us through the castle Mal sighs and says "Ben could be asleep anywhere" "Or turned to stone" Celia buts in.

"Okay" Evie says covering Celia's mouth and Mal calls out "Ben!" again. Then we continue walking and make it to an intersection. Then Dude stops walking and says "Wait, I hear something" and runs left and we look at each other nervously and chase after him.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

'Ugh' I think to myself still trapped in my room. I go over towards the fireplace and I grab the stoker and head back over to the door. I try to use it to pry open the door. "Damn it" I yell when it does nothing. I start banging on the door once more and yell "Hey can anyone hear me!!"

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

We get closer and hear banging on a door and someone yelling can anyone hear me. We run closer and get to the door is coming from and the person inside it yells again. We can tell it's a female voice and I yell out "Rose?" in question.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

"Rose?" I hear a voice ask outside the door and I yell back "Yeah it's Rose. Jay is that you?" "Yeah it's me Rose and I'm with the others" he yells back. I yell to him "I can't get out Audrey used a spell to lock me in here about an hour or two ago" "Don't worry we'll get you out" Jay tells me and I yell back "Okay"

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

I turn towards Mal and ask her "Can you use the spell you used to get us into the museum to open the door?" "I can try it's a simple door spell holding her in so it should work" Mal says. Then she waves her finger in front of the door and says "Make it easy, Make it quick. Open up without a kick" The door opens and I run toward Rose.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

All of a sudden the door opens and I jump back in shock and Jay runs into the room and hugs me. I hug him back and he says softly into my ear "Oh thank god your okay" "I'm okay" I reassure him.

We pull back from our hug and notice the pirates here and I grab the stoker pointing it at them and ask in shock "What are they doing here?!" Jay lowers my arm and says "Don't worry their with us right now" "Okay" I say warily dropping the stoker.

Mal then asks me "How did you avoid the sleeping spell?" "Turns out my garden that I found is magic proof I fell asleep there last night and when I came out this morning everyone was asleep and then Audrey showed up and locked me in my room here" I tell her.

She nods and says "I'm glad you're okay. Now let's go find Ben" I nod and say "Okay let's go"

We continue walking with Jay holding his arm around my waist protectively and Dude says "I got a scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people"

"That's great, Dude" Jay says. "FYI, I give great cuddles, too" Dude says. "Really? I never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the elk head in Dad's man cave but that wasn't..." Gil starts rambling. "Hold up" Uma says. Then she points to scratches on the wall through a painting and asks "What's this?"

"Uh... Any chance this was already there?" Carlos asks me and Mal. Mal sighs and I shake my head no. Then Dude yells "And follow me" We continue walking and Mal continues calling out "Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben!" We get to a room with a lot of fake Knights and Evie says "Stay here, okay?" To Celia who nods.

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