It's Going Down

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🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

I was now tied to the mast of the ship and Harry Hook jumps down towards me. He gets close to my face and I look away from him and he runs his hook on my chin.

"Coochy, coochy, coo" he says in a high voice and continues "How's it feel to be the king now, eh?" And laughs. Then Uma comes over and says "Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We already lost one of them and we don't want damaged goods"

"You said that I could hook him" Harry yells pointing his hook towards me. "I said at noon" She tells him. He crouches in front of me and holds a pocket watch in front of my face and says "20 more minutes"

I look at the watch and tell him "That says 11:30" he says "Ah" and stands up and walks to Uma. "You better hope your girlfriend comes through" Uma tells me. "Mm-hmm. Well, she's not my girlfriend anymore" I say solemnly.

Then Harry laughs and Uma tells him. "Leave us alone, Harry" "19 minutes to go now" Harry says waving the watch in front of me and Uma says with more strength "Go" and Harry leaves.

"I get that you don't deserve this" I start toward Uma. She laughs and says "This?" Then pauses and continues "This island is a prison, thanks to your father. And don't pretend
to look out for me. Because no one's looking out for me. It's just me"

"So this isn't your mom's plan?" I ask. She scoffs and I point out "Isn't that her necklace?" Then she says My mom doesn't care about me, either. Well, not unless she needs someone for the night shift"

"Ouch" I tell her. "I don't need your pity" Uma snaps at me. "No, you certainly don't" I tell her truthfully and when she doesn't speak I continue "You're very resourceful. I don't see you tied up"

She chuckles at me and says "All right. So let's trash talk Mal" and I say "I'd rather talk about you" "Mm. Funny and a gentleman. I really hope I don't have to feed you to the fishes"

"Well, you don't. Set me free, and we'll go back together" I try to convince. "Oh, so now I get an invite?" She says loudly and then laughs "Gee, I wonder why" She pauses for a second and continues "When you brought Mal, Evie,
Carlos, and Jay to Auradon, that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad"

"I never thought of it like that before. That I could've hurt
the people I didn't pick" I say truthfully. "My plan was to start with four kids and bring more people over. I guess I was busy being king. That sounds lame" I tell her.

"I'm so sorry. You're a leader, Uma. So am I. Come to Auradon and be part of the solution" I try to convince her. She looks at me and says "Me? Part of your solution? Nah. I don't need you. I'm gonna get there on my own"

Then she yells "Harry!" He comes over and Uma holds her necklace up and says "Let's see what this puppy can do" and walks away.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

We were standing by the giant pipe that leads to the pirate's ship.

"I'll get the swords" Jay says "Okay" We hear Lonnie say. "Oh, Lonnie!" Mal says "I made them bring me" Lonnie says and hugs Mal then they pull back and hold hands and Mal says "Oh, I'm so glad"

Then Lonnie hugs Evie and Evie says "Hi. Welcome to the Isle" and then Lonnie hugs me and I tell her "It's good to see you" "Thanks" She tells me

"And Dude" Jay says after he pulls the swords out and notices the dog. "I told you to stay" Carlos says to Dude annoyed. "I flunked obedience class" Dude exclaims.

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