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🌹Rose's P.O.V.🌹
In the hallway

I just walked out of class with Ben, and Audrey the brat. We see some girls thanking Mal for the hair and Audrey starts to complain "Do you think they actually paid for those?"

I zone her out while seeing Jay flirt with the girls who were just thanking Mal for their hair which I'm not gonna lie I've started to like Jay so it's making me jealous.

"She did it to Jane's hair, too, and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it" Audrey then continued to whine once I zoned back in.

"What's the harm?" Ben questions "It's gateway magic! Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know It's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then... where will I be?" "A jerk like always. Audrey listen it's not like she is hurting anyone you need to get over yourself" I say and before she can respond Ben starts to try "Listen, Audrey..."

She interrupts him and says "I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?" "Okay" Ben says defeated "Bye, Bennyboo" She says and kisses him on the cheek and then leaves. "Bye" Ben says lamely then I turn to him and say "I have to go to bye Ben" "Bye Rose"

I start walking to my class and then I hear someone calling out for me so I stop and turn around to see Jay.

"Hey Jay you ready for the game later" "You bet and I made some cookies yesterday with girls and I brought one for you" He says while showing me the cookie.

"Thank you but I don't eat before a game it's like a tradition that Ben and I have started ever since they let me on the team" "Yeah I get it be cautious if a villain kid offers you any type of food"

"No, no that's not it at all I completely trust you" Then I take the cookie from him and take a bite.

"Wow this is really good" I mumble "How are they?" Jay asks me. "They are so good. Hey have you always little flecks of gold in your eyes" I say distractedly while he takes the cookie from my hand with out me noticing.

"Hey would like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" Jay asks me. "Sure" I say enthusiastically. "Ok I'll pick you up at 6 and I'll see you at the game later" "Ok see you later" I say and then walk away happily.


Hey guys here's the next chapter!! I would just like to say thank you all for 311 reads that is so many more reads than I thought I would get so thank you so much I might post another chapter in an hour or so if I have time!!

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