Return To The Isle Pt. 1

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🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

Mal and I were finally able to get away from royal duties and the press for a date. "Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" Mal asks "Yes, please" I say "Mmm! This is the best thing I've ever had" I tell her.

"So, you like it?" Mal asks. "I more than like it. I, uh... mmm... so like it" I tell Mal and we both laugh. "Beef ragout?" I ask her. "Yeah" she says chuckling. "This is amazing" I tell her honestly. "Did I surprise you?" She asks. "Oh, yeah, you surprised me. This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents. What did it take you? Three days?" I ask.

She clicks her tongue and says "You know, don't even ask me" with a laugh and I laugh too. "Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially with all the craziness you've been put through. I've missed you. We don't get much time to be just us anymore" I tell her solemnly.

"I know" She tells me. Then she points out that I have a bit of food at the corner of my mouth and we both laugh again. "You can't take me anywhere, right?" I say quoting her from our first date. She goes "Uh..." and then laughs.

"Do you have a... Do you have a napkin or something?" I ask Mal. "I do! I packed some" She says looking for the basket. "Oh, there is..." I find the basket. "I think I stowed them away. I can grab them" She says but when I reach into the basket I grab something else.

I pull out her spell book and ask "What's this?" "I actually threw that in there super last-minute in case it rained or..." She tries to lie but I'm already looking through the book to the pages that are marked.

"Speed reading spell. Blonde hair spell. Cooking spell" I read off and then I get mad and say "And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best" "Take back this moment that has passed. Return it... Reverse it..." Mal starts to say a spell but messes it up.

I stand up angrily and yell "Are you trying to spell me right now?!" "Ben, it has been so hard for me!" Mal says. "Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?" I ask her incredulously.

"No!" She says quickly. "I thought we were doing this together!" I tell Mal sadly. "Ben, we are in this together" She tries to assure me. "But we're not, Mal. We're not. Y-You've been keeping secrets and lying to me" I pause for a second and say "I thought we were done with that" She stay silent and I continue.

"This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Mal" I say to her. "Yeah. Believe me, I know that!" Mal says angrily. "Then why are you doing this?" I ask her.

"Because..." She pauses for a moment "I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben. I'm not one of those ladies from the Court. I'm a big fake, okay?" She sighs and says "I'm fake" She points toward the food "This is fake" She grabs her hair and says "This is fake"

She flips to a page in the spell book sighs and reads a spell "Take this feast, this sumptuous meal, return it back to what is real" Then she waves her finger and the food turns into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk. "This is who I really am" She tells me sadly and starts to walk off. "Mal" I call after her "No. No" She says and continues walking. "Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite!" I yell to her but she doesn't turn back around and I throw the plate back down onto the table and sigh. 'What have I done' I think to myself.


🌹Mal's P.O.V🌹

I walk into my dorm and slam the door behind me sobbing and thankful that Evie isn't here. "I don't belong here" I tell myself through my tears. I grab a box and a pencil and start stabbing holes in it then I take a minute and start breathing deeply. "Okay. Okay. Okay" I grab my mom and put her in the box.

I look down at the box and say "Let's blow this Popsicle stand. Yeah?" and chuckle sadly. I get on my bike that Ben got me a few days ago and flip through my spell book for the one I need.

"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere" I chant the spell. I pull down my goggles and take a minute to collect myself "Okay. Whew. Please work"

I ride my bike across the water and when I pass through the barrier a feel a shock of power go through me "Oh!" I exclaim in shock. I ride my bike down and alleyway while people yell at me but I just ignore them. "Whoa, what?" "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey!" "Watch it!"

Then I park my bike under the stairwell to the old hideout Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I had to get away from our parents. I grab a rock and throw it at the flying rocks sign and the stairs open up and I take on look around and climb up the stairs.


🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

I'm in the office with Ben working on plans to try and get more VK's over to the Isle. It's been like my secret project Ben doesn't know about it yet. "Deborah?" Ben calls into the announcement system. "Yes, Your Majesty?" She asks.

"Can you ask Lumiere to call me and Rose regarding Cotillion?" He asks her. "Yes, sir" "Thank you" He responds and then we hear a knock on the door and Evie pokes her head in "Ben? Rose?" "Evie! Hi!" I say and Ben says "Evie! Come on in"

Quickly with a sad look she tells us "Mal's gone back to the Isle" Ben sighs and turns away "Ben..." Evie calls out a he mumbles to himself for a second then says "This is my fault. This is my fault. I-I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her"

He says in regret and I wrap my arm around him to console him and then he gets an idea. "I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and... and beg her to come back" "Ben, you'll never find her" Evie says solemnly "You need to know the Isle and how it works and..." Then she comes to the realization "You have to take me with you"

"Yes!" Ben yells out but senses her nervousness and asks "Uh, are... are you sure?" "Yeah. She's my best friend. And we'll bring the boys, too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now"

"Thank you" Ben says. "But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again" She tells him. "I promise" He tells her straight away. "And there's no way you're going looking like that" She tell him looking at his outfit.

Then I say "I'm coming too" "No Jay will kill me if I let you come" Evie says. "Too bad" I tell her. "I'm coming or else I alert our parents" I say firmly. Evie huffs and gives in "Fine but your getting a different outfit too" "Ok then let's go" I tell her and walk out.


Hey guys I didn't expect to get out a chapter tonight but here we are the longest chapter of Part 2 so far I am so excited to bring Rose to the Isle I have a million different ideas for how I want her time on the Isle to go!! See y'all next chapter!! Love y'all!!!

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