Curses, Escapees, and Welcome to Auradon

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🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

I was on the phone with an assistant and I tell them "No. No, I want the Auradon guard handing out gas masks" They start to argue and I say louder "Well, not everyone's asleep" I hang up "Find out if anyone has seen Audrey" He starts to leave and I add "And find out if she has a list of demands" pointing to him and then unzip my jacket and sit down rubbing my forehead in exasperation.

"Just one" I hear a female voice say and I gasp, jump up turning around to see Audrey. "I demand my life back" Audrey tells me. Before I say anything Audrey continues "I have a proposition. I'll wake everybody up right now... under one... itty-bitty condition, Benny-boo" She says running her hand up my arm and pushing my hair out of my eye.

Her hand comes to rest on my cheek and she says "Make me your Queen, and we'll rule side by side" "Did someone put a spell on you?" I ask her grabbing her hand and pushing it downwards. Then I continue "Just tell me who and..." then she interrupts me "You'll what? Marry them?" She laughs.

She turns and takes a few steps away from me and says "Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough" then she turns to face me again. "I wasn't bad enough" she says and then asks "How do you like me now, Benny-boo?" While spinning in a circle and laughing.

"I like the old Audrey better. She wouldn't wanna hurt Auradon. Just give me the scepter, and I'll forgive you" I tell her holding my hand out.

She switches the scepter into her other hand, holds up a finger, and says "You'll forgive me? I don't think so" "Sleeping is too good for you" she adds and casts a spell on me and I fall on the floor. Then she turns towards the balcony and says "Sleeping is too good for Auradon" and casts another spell while laughing.

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

We all met back up and were heading towards the barrier and Mal says "All right. Get in, get out" Then asks me "Jay, you're good?" "Yeah" I tell her and she holds her arm up and says "Okay. Hold on"

I press the remote and we all walk through the barrier when the ember sets a burst of power through Mal. We stop and Evie says "Whoa. You got a little Hades thing going" I push the button to close the barrier while Mal says "Wow" looking at herself and Carlos says "That thing packs a punch, huh?"

Then we hear someone come up behind us and we all turn around to see Harry and Gil dive through the barrier right before it closed and we gasp and jump backward. Then stand up and look at us and then at each other. "We made it, bro! We made it!" Gil celebrates while they hug.

They turn towards us and Harry says "Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit" They start moving forward but Carlos and I push them backward saying "Come on" Then Harry pushes Carlos who accidentally knocks into Mal who drops the ember and says "Hey. Hey" and goes to pick it up when Harry uses his hook and makes her drop it over the side of the bridge. She gasps while Carlos sighs and she calls out "No!"

Then a tentacle appears and catches the ember. Uma pops up out of the water chuckles and asks Mal "Drop something?" "It can't get wet. Give it back before it goes out" Mal yells at her. Uma just laughs while Harry and Gil say "Uma?" in unison.

"That's my name" Uma says smugly and then heads underwater. "No!" Mal yells about the ember while the rest of us look in shock. The water starts swirling and growing taller and taller then it bursts and we all look over the edge for Uma.

"Hi, boys" We hear Uma say behind us and we all snap around to look at her. Harry points his hook at her and starts to laugh and says "Welcome back" while heading towards her with Gil behind him. They clasp hand and hook together and then Gil says "Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us"

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