Escape Attempts and Queen Of Mean

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Smee kisses his sons on the head and Carlos says "All right, boys" and Jay continues "Let's hit the road" and I say to them "You're gonna see him soon, okay?" "Come on" Carlos says and Jay and I lead one of the twins off with us and Carlos leads the other.

"Do you have everything?" Lady Tremaine asks Dizzy and she says "Yes, I have everything" Then Tremaine asks her "Are you sure?" And Dizzy says "I'm sure, Granny"

"Oh, really?" Tremaine says and holds up a glue gun. Dizzy gasps and says "My glue gun" and takes it. "I don't know what you're going to do without me" Lady Tremaine says to her. "I'll miss you" Dizzy says and Tremaine waves her hand and says "Go on, go on"

Dizzy looks at Evie and Evie winks at her and Dizzy hugs Lady Tremaine and says "Goodbye, Granny" and heads off with Evie into the limo. "Here, let me help get this off of you" Mal says to Celia but gets ignored and Celia throws her bag into the trunk. "Oh" Mal says and Ben says "Okay" shutting the trunk.

"Let's go and do this" Ben says and Celia walks away in the middle of him speaking and Mal points at her and chuckles. Then we all get into the limo as everyone on the Isle cheers for the little kids and we drive off.

Evie is talking to Dizzy and says "So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream" "And go swimming?" Dizzy asks and she says "I can take you to the Enchanted Lake" then they both squeal. "I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle" Dizzy says to Evie who says "It's just a little starter castle"

Jay and I are sitting in the front with Squirmy on my lap and Squirmy is holding onto Jay's arm and Jay says "Great grip" and asks "You play sports?" I then say to Squirmy "I know this all going to be new for you but I promise you will love it in Auradon and you're with your brother and you will get to go see your dad whenever you want" Squirmy releases Jay's arm to give me small hug and I smile.

"Here" Carlos says and hands Squeaky a piece of chocolate and says "Go on" Squeaky looks at him in an 'are you sure?' manner and Carlos leans back and says "Trust me on this" Squeaky takes a bite and his eyes widen and Carlos says "I know. Dig in, dig in" and wraps his arm around Squeaky.

Celia pulls out her Tarot cards and Ben picks one and gives it to Celia. She puts it in her hands and says with her eyes closed "You're going to be a wise and brave King" and then shows the picture on the card. "He already is" Mal says. "See? The cards never lie" Celia tells him and holds out her hand and he hands her some money and she looks at it in shock.

Everyone on the Isle is cheering and waving goodbye and then starts screaming and Evie looks back at the barrier and says "It's Hades. Stop the car. He's trying to escape" Jay immediately stops driving and everyone exits the limo except for me and I turn back toward the kids and say "Do not get out no matter what" they nod at me and then I exit the limo too.

"I am a god. I don't belong here" Hades yells at us. The guys go to push him back in but he zaps Jay, Carlos, and Ben and us girls jump back in shock while Hades laughs. Then Mal turns into a dragon and Hades looks in shock but then hits Mal with his ember and she screeches.

🌹3rd Person P.O.V🌹
In Auradon

FGM tells everyone "Do not panic, okay? Nobody needs to panic" through the microphone while Belle says "It's Ben" grabbing onto Adam's arm.

"There's your precious Queen. She can't even protect us" Audrey yells out and FGM says "Okay. We're panicking. Bippity-boppity run" and everyone starts running around and screaming.

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