What You Gotta Do

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🌹Mal's P.O.V🌹

I was outside Hades' cave with Celia and I notice the beware of the dog sign "Hey. How big is that dog?" I ask her. "You'll see" she tells me. We head into the cave.

"Okay, stay quiet. It echoes, like, crazy in here" Celia turns and says to me and I nod in response. We head further into the cave and I hear the dog starting to bark and I jump and freeze and Celia just looks at me and says "Come on. Come on."

We put on turn on the lights and put on the minors helmets and get on the bike and start peddling our way through the cave while the dog continues to bark every so often. Celia gives me a thumbs up and we get off the bike and head into the main part of his lair.

We sneak down the first set of stairs and Celia points out the ember next to Hades who is snoring. Then we sneak down the next flight of stairs. I hear the dog barking again and I look around for it and Celia gets my attention and shows me that it's just a record that started skipping and I roll my eyes.

I go to move straight towards the ember but Celia stops me and points to the side as a message saying to sneak up behind him. I'm heading behind him but Celia gets annoyed by the record and turns it off which wakes Hades up.

"What are you doing here?" Hades says still in his sleeping position so I freeze behind him thinking I'm caught but Celia turns and says "I noticed you were low on canned corn" pulling a can out of her bag and tossing it to Hades. I reach toward the ember but Hades grabs my wrist before I can pull my hand back.

I gasp while Celia rolls her eyes. He turns towards me taking the ember out of my hand and I say "Hi, Dad" and Celia looks at us in shock. He takes off his glasses and says "Quite a show you put on the other day" "Right back at you" I tell him.

"Hmm" he hums. He gets up and says "I was just coming to see you" "Really? Wonder why" I start and then ask "Is it because I'm gonna be Queen?"

"Ah!" He laughs and says "Now, Mal, don't be bitter" then goes to look at himself in his mirror. I cross my arms "You abandoned me when I was a baby" I tell him.

"No. No, I left your mother" he says pointing at me, and continues "She's not the easiest person to get along with" "You think?" I say sarcastically "Huh. You see? We have something in common already. We both hate your mother" He tells me and I snap "No. I don't hate my mother" Then pause and continue "She may be an evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around"

"Oh! Boo-hoo" he tells me and then comes up next to me and says "Wake up and smell the stink. You think you've had it rough?" And then yells "I used to be a god!" Which makes me jump and then he continues "I had an entire world which bore my name. And now I have nothing!" He yells while growing down the can "And you have no idea what that feels like" he tells me.

"Really? Because for 16 years, I had nothing" I yell back at him getting close to him. Then my voice softens and I say "And now, I have a whole world" then tell him "But unless I get that ember, it's game over" I hold out my hand for the ember but he says "Hold, please" and flicks my arm upwards and music starts playing. I roll my eyes and drop my arm annoyed while my dad starts singing.

Listen little girl
You're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear
The drama
Kindness ain't my brand

Oh, I guess that's why you ran

Try being married to your mama

You stink at being a dad

Poor, Mali, are you sad?

Not as sad as you without your powers
I didn't come to fight
For once do something right

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