Bringing It Down

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Everyone was in the courtyard talking to each other while waiting for Mal, Ben, Jay, and, I to appear.

"There they are" Evie says. They all cheer when we come out and Evie and whispers "Hi" to Mal and I and we continue our way up the stairs.

Once at the stop Ben says "Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen" he faces Mal and then looks back into the crowd "So... raise your glasses" he says and we do.

"To our future Queen of Auradon" He says and we repeat "To our Queen of Auradon!" "Speech, Your Special-ness" Carlos calls out. "Speech, Your Fancy One" Jay yells from behind Mal as well. I hit his chest and we all laugh at them.

She takes a minute to look at all of us. "I can't" Mal says and everyone gasps at her. "I can't be Queen of Auradon" she continues and Ben asks "Mal" "I can't turn my back on the Isle" she tells him. Then she turns back to all of us and says "We made a decision... to close the barrier forever. And it was my idea and I tried to blame it on Rose which I am so sorry for" she starts looking at me and I nod in forgiveness at her while Jay wraps his arm around my waist.

Then she continues "But it's wrong. I've learned... that you can't live in fear... because it doesn't actually protect you from anything" she lets out a watery chuckle and says "You never know where the bad is gonna come from. And you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone. And without Hades..." She pauses and says "my father..."

The crowd gasps except for us who knew and she finishes "...Audrey would be gone" while looking at her. "We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from. And that's why I can't be Queen of just Auradon. I have to be Queen of the Isle, too. And it's time that we take the barrier down forever" Mal finishes.

"We can't do that" Adam says. "It's up to us, Adam" "It's up to us, Dad" Me and Ben say at the same time and then chuckle that we got back into that habit.

Ben turns to the crowd and yells out "I choose to be a King who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down!"

"Yes!" Carlos yells and cheers and everyone laughs at him and claps. "Bring it down, Mal" Ben says and I push Jay and say to him "You too"

Mal and Jay signal for Evie and Carlos to join them and they come up the stairs leaning on the railing. Everyone is cheering and Fairy Godmother gives Mal the wand and nods at her.

Ben and I stand behind them and Mal starts "To make the world a better place..." "We have to do it face to face" they finish together and everyone cheers watching the barrier fall.

🌹3rd Person P.O.V🌹

"Look!" Someone on the Isle calls out and Uma yells "My plan. Yes" in happiness watching the barrier drop.

It's time to bring it together
Time for a brand new start

We're gonna put it in motion
Break down what keeps us apart

No more no division we down

New team got the vision


Till we stand
Now we living marching
In the light, one, two
One, two like

I see you

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