Pink Room's, Beast's, and Kisses

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Us girls were in Audrey's room looking for anything we can use to find her. "She's nowhere on campus" Evie says coming back into Audrey's room with Mal.

"Found her diary. And dang, did you ruin Audrey's life" Uma says chuckling and flipping through it on Audrey's bed. "Okay. So did you find anything in there that we don't already know or..." Mal asks her.

"She hangs out at Fairy Cottage. You know, where Flora, Fauna and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom" Uma tells Mal putting the diary down. "Yes. The irony is not lost on me" Mal says annoyed.

"How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?" Uma asks flopping back down onto the bed. Celia then turns around wearing Audrey's jewelry, poses, and asks "Okay. How do I look?" "Gorgeous" I tell her and add "But the bling stays here"

"But she's bad" Celia whines. "And we're not" Evie tells her and Celia puts the jewelry away solemnly.

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

We were walking in the woods. "Ben!" Carlos calls out. "Ben!" I call out a second later. "Dude" Carlos says becoming him over "Come on. Nothing?" Carlos then asks Dude.

"These things just grow everywhere" Gil says picking berries off the bush eating them. Then he turns to face me and says "Hey, we should play that icebreaker. Um, Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things" Then turns back to the bush and asks me "These are free, right?"

"Yeah. Um..." I start and laugh awkwardly and say "I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush" Gil looks at me and says "I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks. Giant fish. You're probably used to grabbing lunch off of a bush"

"No. I mean, no, not really. I mainly just use the vending machines at practice. You know, tourney, kind of eats up
most of my time. So..." I start telling Gil then Harry interrupts me by laughing and saying "Tourney, that's a wee boy's game"

"Hey, you know what would be fun?" Gil says tapping my chest and ignoring Harry. "To go rafting on a jungle river" Gil continues and I add pointing at Gil "Find a lost civilization" "Oh, or maybe a penguin" Gil says and I tell him "Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those"

"You guys are killing me" Harry says coming in between us and then stabs a berry with his hook and puts it in his mouth and hums. Then he nods to Carlos and says "P.S., your mutt went that way" "Carlos!" Dude yells out.

"Dude, what do you see?" Carlos asks him. "This way!" Dude yells and we starts heading towards him. Then I pause and go back to the bush and grab some more berries and then run to catch up.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

We were walking to Evie's cottage to wait for the boys and Mal says "I really hope they found Ben" then she sighs and Uma says "Nice digs" to Evie. "I got a really good deal" Evie says. We head inside and come across Dizzy and the twins sleeping on the couch.

"It's okay. Shh! It's okay. Don't worry, Dizzy. We can fix this. And once we do, they're gonna let all the kids come from the Isle. So, happy dreams" Celia says calming her from the nightmare and putting a blanket on all three of them.

Then we hear snoring from another room and head in to see Doug asleep on the floor. "Uh, who's the dude?" Uma asks and Evie says in shock "Doug" Then Evie walks over and crouches down next to him and pokes at his arm and says "Doug" then shakes him a little harder and says "Wake up"

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