Birthday Parties and To The Isle.... Again

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🌹Jay's P.O.V 🌹

We were on the cliff edge on our bikes we stop at the edge. Mal pulls up her goggles and chants the spell "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" and then she lowers them and we drive off crossing the water to the Isle.

"Carlos, you're gonna miss Jane's birthday" We hear Dude call out but keep driving.

🌹Jane's P.O.V🌹
(Yay!! Another new P.O.V!)

I was standing by the enchanted lake with Chad standing next to me spraying the water gun and he laughs at himself and then says "Oh. Looks like Carlos forgot about your birthday, huh?" "Well, maybe not, maybe he just took the wrong trail or something" I say and then think "Or you know what? They probably don't celebrate birthdays on the Isle, maybe it's like a cultural thing" I tell Chad.

"Oh, yeah" he says and then adds "Or maybe he just forgot. You never know" then he chuckles and I call out "Hey, Chad, look! There's people taking selfies" Chad gets excited and starts yelling "Selfies! Guys, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait" he hands me the water gun "Wait for me! Wait for me!" And run's where I pointed to.

Then Audrey shows up and someone asks "Why is she here?" Audrey ignores the comment and says "Did anybody save me any guacamole?" No one answers and she says "No? It's like someone forgot to invite me" then she takes a cupcake from someone and says "Well, don't be expecting Mal, she's... not feeling herself" while throwing the cupcake behind her.

Then she says in a babyish voice "Does that make you sad? Does it just ruin everything?" Then she yells louder "Mindless little drones! How could you forget what she did to us? How could you forget that I was supposed to be your Queen?"

Then Chad runs up to her and says "Time out, okay, okay. Time out" then takes a breath and says "First off, great new look. I absolutely love feathers. But, hey, before you do whatever you're gonna do, I was wondering if maybe you wanted a... loyal boyfriend by your side?" He asks her and when he gets no response he asks "Partner in crime?" Then tries again "Sidekick?" And then finally says "Or maybe just a lackey to do your bidding, um, change tires. Or smoothie runs?"

"Please?" He begs. Audrey looks at him and says "You can be useful" "Yeah?" Chad asks hopefully and Audrey says "Fine. Stand behind me" "Okay" Chad says running to stand behind her "Auradon likes to forget so much. They'll love this" Audrey says and then starts singing happy birthday while pink smoke starts spreading.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Jane
Happy birthday
To you

I notice people starting to fall asleep because of the smoke and then I remember "The Enchanted Lake" I whisper to myself and head underwater. Chad notices what Audrey is doing and whispers "Audrey" to try to get her attention but she ignores him and says "Sweet dreams" Chad gasps while Audrey laughs and they vanish in pink smoke.

Once I'm sure Audrey and the smoke is gone I emerge from the lake and call Ben. He picks up and says "Hey, Jane. I'm on my way to the party. My meetings ran long"

I hurriedly tell him "No, no. Stay where you are, Ben. Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to get her wand" I tell him and then hang up.

🌹Ben's P.O.V🌹

I ask Jane "Is Mal or Rose with you?" But I get no response so I call into the phone "Jane? Jane?" And then I notice she hung up and sigh.

🌹Celia's P.O.V🌹
(Wow two new P.O.V's in one chapter)

We make it onto the isle and Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos park the bikes. We take off our helmets and Mal calls out "Hey. I'm me again" while touching her face and I tell her "Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point"

"Welcome back" Evie says and Mal says "Thank you" and chuckles.

I walk up to the door of my dad's arcade and start knocking on the door in the special rhythm my dad and I made and then the door slides open.

We walk in and my dad calls out "Hey" I run up to him and yell "Daddy" "Here she is" He says and picks me up and spins me a little and puts me down. Then we start our handshake dance thing. "Come on. And... And... Ho!" Je then leans down for me to put a kiss on his cheek but I tip his hat instead.

"Hey, yeah. Come here little rascal" I then try to escape him. "Ah!" I scream laughing when he grabs me. "So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them shiny people?" My dad asks me.

"No hustle. I got friends on the other side" I say walking and grabbing the key to Hades' place. "Ah! I hear you. I hear you" my dad tells me. "We're on a mission. I'm kind of a major player so that's why I can't stay long" I say putting the key around my neck. "You make sure you get your cut" My dad says pointing at me and I nod at him.

🌹Carlos' P.O.V🌹

I was over by the television and I put a coin in and it turns on. I sit down and on the tv a news reporter says "Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon" "Uh. guys. Come look at this" I call out to the rest of the guys.

🌹Mal's P.O.V🌹

We walk over to Carlos and I sit down and the reporter says "There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil"

Then he gets a message through his earpiece. "We have an update. It's what?" Celia and her dad come up behind us while the reporter says "It's moving this way? It is moving this way" in a panicked way and we head out.

We open the door and Carlos says "Wow! Rookie mistake?" When we see Harry, Gil, and some of Uma's crew on our bikes. "Long time nay see" Harry says while some start driving off. "Get off my bike, Hook" Jay yells and starts moving faster towards him.

"Catch me if you can, Jay" Harry teases and drives of laughing. Jay hits Carlos' chest and says "Over the roofs. Cut them off" "Yup" Carlos agrees and he, Evie, and Jay run off to get them.

Celia starts to go to. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you" I tell her while grabbing her. "They got this. You and me gotta go find the ember" "Good timing. It's right about his nap time" Celia says and we head to his lair.

🌹Jay's P.O.V🌹

I was about to catch Harry but then he gets away around a corner and starts laughing. I think to myself 'Great. First I have no clue what happened to Rose with the spell going around and now this' and head back to meet with the whole group.


Hey guys no Rose in this chapter but she will be back next chapter! But wow there were so many P.O.V changes again. Next we have Hades and I'm so excited to write him! Thank you for reading! Love you all! 💗

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