2: 1993; Hogwarts Express Draco

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Wednesday, September 1st

I was waiting alone for the train after my mum dropped me off here. Once the Hogwarts Express was finally at the platform, I hopped in. As I was looking for Blaise, I heard three idiots laughing. I recognized these voices. It was Potter the stupid chosen one and his idiotic friends.

"Always looking like fools you three." I said as I smirked.

"Always speaking nonsense." Granger spitted.

"Shut up mudblood."

"Don't talk to her like that!" That poor Weasley said. Really the most stupid one of the trio.

Harry got up to face me as he harshly asked "Don't you have better things to do?"

I always had better things to do than communicate with dumb rats like them but I liked pissing them off.

I was about to leave, but I saw an unfamiliar face. There was a new girl with them. She had Y/H/C hair and looked at us clueless about what just happened.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I said, handing out my hand.

"Y/F/N" she said as she shook my hand firmly.

"You've got a good grip, you'd make a good Slytherin." I said smirking, as I left.

I wanted her to be sorted in Slytherin. She looked interesting and I had to keep my reputation. So if she was to be sorted in any other house, especially Hufflepuff, we couldn't be friends.

I finally found Blaise so I took the seat in front of him. We started chatting, until I saw Parkinson walking towards us. She sat next to me. I knew she had a crush on me, but I really didn't like the girl. She kept on looking at me as Blaise and I kept the conversation going.

Every now and then she would move a little bit closer to where I was sitting, until she was almost on me.

"Parkinson, space?"

"What do you mean?" She said in a flirty way.

"Get the fuck off me, that's what I mean."

She rolled her eyes, sighed and left Blaise and I alone.

"Don't you think you're a little bit harsh on her mate?"

"No, what do you mean Zabini?"

"Well she just really likes you, she doesn't mean to be so clingy"

"Well she is and it's super annoying. Also since when do I care about some girl?"

Blaise shook his head agreeing with me. We spent the rest of the time talking about our summer, the teachers and the class we took for this year.

Until, something rather odd happened. The whole train became dark and cold. After a few minutes of silence, dementors started rushing inside the train, going from compartment to compartment. We got lucky, because none of them entered ours.

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