29: 1993; Riddikulus Draco

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Tuesday , October 19

My first class today was defense against the dark arts. I decided to take some snacks from the Great Hall and go eat at the top of the astronomy tower, before getting to class.

As I was about to leave, my dad's owl arrived. It landed in front of me. I took the letter that was attached to its leg.

Mr. Malfoy,

I heard that you will be playing against Hufflepuff in about two weeks. I hope you will succeed on catching the snitch before your opponent. Else, I will be very disappointed in you. I hate to be disappointed. Do better than last time.

Lucius Malfoy.

I crushed the letter in my hand before writing a quick note to give to my dad's owl.

Dear Dad,

I will catch the snitch. Don't worry.


I quickly attached the note to Ulysses' leg, sent him off and went to class.

When I came in defense against the dark arts, all the desks were pushed to a side of the class. We stood in the middle of the room waiting for Professor Lupin to arrive.

When the class started, my mind flew away. I remembered the teacher explaining things about boggarts, making Neville try and change it in something funny. Stupid boy was scared of Snape. Professor Lupin asked us to get in line, so I did. I wasn't really listening, but my turn was coming very soon, so I watched the people in front of me make the spell with their wand.

I honestly, didn't really know my deepest fear. When it was my turn and the doors of the wardrobe opened, I got so anxious. I saw smoke coming out of it and I saw for a split second the figure of a tall man. I recognized him, but I didn't want people in the class to see him so I quickly shouted the spell.


When my turn was done I went to the back of the row, but I felt my throat tightened and I  decided to leave the class.

I rushed to the astronomy tower, sat there, humming the fresh air of October. Lost in my thoughts, I felt a small tear leave my eye.

Sometimes, I wished I could leave the character I built for myself over the years just like the small amount of water left my optic. Sometimes, I just wanted to feel light as a feather, free like clouds and happy like people who praises the simplicity of life. Each day, I fought myself, had an internal debate on who I ought to be, who I am and who I wished to become. The comfort of my traced path, now, wasn't what it used to be. I lived with a mind that would never stop spinning and a father who had way too static expectations of my being.

I dried the tears off of my cheeks, gathered myself and walked to my dorm. I tried to take a shower to get in a better mood, but I couldn't stop thinking about my next Quidditch match. I had to catch the snitch. Whatever it would take, I had to.

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