59: 1994; Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

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Thursday, September 1

Draco hadn't answered any of the letters I sent him over the rest of the summer. We spent a magical month together and then, it was like he had vanished.

For the last week before coming back, I stopped writing. It was nonsense.

When I hopped on the Hogwarts Express, I saw him putting his trunk above the seats of a compartment.

I glanced at him and sat down in the nearest seat I could find. I stopped looking at him and observed the people who were still on the platform. First years saying goodbye while crying, annoyed second years who were brushing off their parents hugs and kisses, seventh years who were already sending rays of anxiety over their NEWT's through the windows of the train.

I saw Draco sitting in front of me from the corner of my eye.

"Hey." He said, softly.

"Hey?!" I shrieked.

"Bloody hey! That's all you have to say? Draco fucking Malfoy! You've been ignoring me all summer, not answering a single letter and all you're going to say is 'hey' as if nothing happened?" I yelled at him, cheeks red and eyes wide.

"I'm sorry." He said with a soft face, taking my hand over the table.

I crossed my arms, roughly.

"Don't touch me." I said.

"I'm sorry, y/n. Things happened over the summer."

"And you couldn't bother to send one bloody letter." I said, dryly.

"Been busy."

"Well I was busy too and I still found the time to write to you."

That was a total lie, I spent my whole summer either by the pool, in Diagon Alley or worrying over why Draco wasn't answering.

Goblins attacked him? He got pushed off a cliff? A hippogriff attacked him, again? He drowned in his bath? His house, well manor I should say burned down and he went back for his dog and died? Blimey! I've been over all the stupid excuses, he didn't even have a dog!

I could see him biting his bottom lip, trying to find the right words.

But then, Hermione, Ginny and Ron came bursting in our compartment, breaking the awful silence.

"Bloody hell, you two are quiet." Ron said.

He had tanned a little bit over the summer and looked a little bit taller. Ginny had grown too and her freckles were more defined and Hermione, looked exactly the same. Her face matured a little bit, but that was it.

"Hey you lot!" I said, smiling crazily.

Ron and Hermione sat next to me and Ginny took the place next to Draco.

"We missed you so much!" Hermione said.

"I missed you guys too! I received all of your owls!" I said, looking sharply at Draco for the last bit of my sentence.

He looked away, rolling his eyes.

"So! How was your summer?" Ginny asked me.

"It was great, really. How about you, guys?"

"Ron came over for the holidays and my parents loved him! They wanted him to perform a spell, but we explained we couldn't do magic outside of Hogwarts." Hermione said, cheerily.

"Gladly. I would've probably messed up." Ron said.

Draco and I didn't talk to each other for the rest of the ride, but no one seemed to have noticed. They were all too preoccupied talking about their vacations.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now