44: 1994; Stack Of Books

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Wednesday, January 19

"Your black eye looks better Ron." I said while we were eating breakfast.

"Well I hope, it's been a week." He said.

Malfoy and I haven't talked since he hit Ron at the Quidditch match. He hasn't been helping me in potions nor sitting next to me in our free exempted class time at the library. I think what I told him last time shook him up. But honestly, I didn't mind.

When, we were done eating they headed to class and I went to the library since my first period was charms.

I entered and sat at a table in the back. I started doing an essay for potions and realized that I was missing a book. I probably left it in my dorm, but I really needed it. I was pretty sure the library had it so I got up and wandered the rows, looking for it.

When I finally found it, I realized it was super high and since I was kind of short I couldn't reach it. I tried jumping, but it didn't work. Then, I decided to create a stack of books so I could get on it and take the book.

"Need help with that?" Someone said.

I looked and it was Malfoy. He was leaning on a shelf, arms crossed and a small smirk on his face.

"No, I can do it." I whispered.

As my fingers almost touched the book, a large hand passed mine and grabbed the book. Draco was now opening it and reading it.

"How... Interesting. I didn't think werewolves were one of your interests." He said closing the book, causing a loud noise to resonate in the library.

I looked around making sure no one had been disturbed by the noise, while he kept his eyes on me.

"It's for potions." I said getting down of my stack of books and replacing them.

"Here." He said in my back.

I turned around and the rows were extremely tight causing him to be really close to me.
I could smell his cologne and observe every inch of his face.

I took the book in my hands slowly.

"Thanks..." I whispered.

He put his hand on the shelf behind me next to my right shoulder.

"I've been thinking about what you said last time. And I do want to be who I am." He said.

"That's great Draco..." I said, blushing.

He was so close to me, the tension was present.

"And you, Y/N..."

The sound of his voice saying my name sent shivers down my body.

"Are you who you truly are? Or are you playing a character?" He said slowly, but surely.

"I think... That I'm pretty much who I am everyday. I'm not a really good actress."

"Good." He said before taking his hand off the shelf and leaving.


I knew how to do this. She did kiss me back last time, so she must be a tiny bit interested or at least intrigued. Then, I just had to strike harder and she'd be mine. The tension I created back in the rows, that was a good intense tension. She's going to come back for more, because I know she enjoyed it as much as I did. I was pretty sure she was going to come and sit next to me. But surprisingly she didn't. She got out of the row with her book, looked at me with a smirk and sat back at her desk. She liked to play hard to get, I see. Well I didn't mind.

I got up and sat next to her.

"Need help with that essay?" I said.

"So you don't talk to me for a week and now you act like this?" She said, her eyes still in the book.

"I needed time to think."

"I didn't know you could do that."

I chuckled, insulted a little bit, but it was fine.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me and yes, I've been thinking a lot, believe it or not."

"Thinking about what exactly?"

"What you said to me... Weasley... you." I said tracing the back of her neck with my finger.

She smiled at the touch of my cold finger on her skin. Her hair lifted in a ponytail, leaving her neck for everyone to see. She was truly beautiful. The necklace I gave here simply sitting on her collarbones, somehow indicating that she was already mine.

"Well have you? Thought about what I said. Because I don't remember you apologizing to Ron."

"That's ancient history. He's fine, he's not dead."

"But he has a black eye."

"Why do you care so much about him?"

"Because he's my friend." She answered.

"There must be something else."

"Because I know deep down, you're not like that. I know you're a good person and I know you'd like to apologize to people, but you can't. You're not able to and I want to help you. I truly do."

"But why? No one has ever wanted to help me."

"Because you've helped me, now it's my turn."

"Pff, when did I help you?" I asked.

"In potions class, I was way behind you guys, now I'm all catched up."

"Fair enough."

"Look, I know you won't let me help you, but just know that I won't stop trying."

"But why? Why would you waste your time on a such useless thing."

"Because I like to believe there's still hope in humanity. Some people are able to change in a bad way, I like to think that some of us can actually change for the better." She said before taking her stuff and getting up.

"This was a proof that you could change, now you just have to find the motivation and the will to do it." She said showing me the locket around her neck, before exiting the room.

But Y/N the proof that I could change wasn't that necklace. It was you.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now