73: 1994; Tea

909 29 8

Toxic parenting

Monday, December 26

"Let me go!"

"I won't, not until you hear reason." He growled.

"Your definition of reason is doing as you please and that, I won't do." I said, glancing at him.

"Then, you'll stay here."

"What about school? You're just not going to send me back?"

"Oh trust me son, I'll have people checking on you at that bloody school."

"You can't keep me locked up here!"

"Watch me!" He said, turning around and climbing up the stairs, leaving me in this dark, dirty cell.

My parents kept this prison looking room downstairs. They installed it when they started getting involved with the Dark Lord to complete their tasks and watch over prisoners and now, my dad locked up his own son in it.

I sat on the ground, placing my back against the cold wall and closed my eyes. Y/n must be so worried, I left so quickly and without saying goodbye.

What did my dad mean by 'I'll have people checking on you at that bloody school'? What was he going to do? Hire secret spies just to snoop on my love life. What a bloody idiot.

I've always been scared of the cell in the basement. My dad would threaten to put me there when I was disobeying as a kid. It always shut me up and when I would cry at night because of what he had told me, my mum would always reassure me that he would never do that. But he did it.

My mother must've been away, because she would've never allowed all of this to happen. "On my watch, you'll always get treated the right way. This cell isn't where you belong and it'll never be." She used to whisper to me in the dark.

The house elves came to give me meals and new clothes every day. I tried to convince them to get me out of here, but I knew they feared my father too much to help anyone who was convicted to stay in this part of the house.


I woke up alone in my bed. I fussed around, trying to find my joggers and when I had finally found them I put them on and went downstairs.

Hydra was sitting at the kitchen table, chatting with my mum around a cup of tea.

"Good morning." I said, sitting down.

"Hello." Hydra said.

"Hydra's mum is on her way to pick her up, you should go get dressed." My mum shot at me.

I looked down at my freshly served cereal bowl and sighed before getting up. My mum was really mad at me for bringing Hydra here without telling her. I didn't know why it was such a big deal, but I didn't feel like picking a fight this morning, not after the night I had just before.

Yesterday, when we came back from Diagon Alley, I tried to convince Hydra to go to Malfoy manor as I was almost sure he was there. I needed to tell him what I thought of him. He has been lying to me for almost a year and I didn't care if he thought he was protecting me, I ought to know what's going on in our relationship.

At the ball, his reaction was to just simply disappear?! He can't run away from his problems. But Black said she was tired from apparating from places to places, that she needed to sleep and I didn't want to leave the house alone at such an hour.

She fell asleep quickly and I just got lost in my thoughts. He told me his parents weren't pure blood supremacists, so he lied to me about this one too. I know some people will think I'm being dramatic, but being lied to in the first place isn't fun, secondly by the person you love makes it worst and lastly, for about a year is the final touch. I felt very betrayed and he needed to know the way I felt.

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