25: 1993; Presentation Day Y/N

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Monday, October 4

A week later, I was eating lunch in the common room while reading my presentation papers one last time. The oral was last period. Cedric entered the common room with his food.

"Are you still stressed?" He asked.

"Yes very much. I'm scared I'm going to forget my text. Professor Snape does not allow papers to remember our lines."

"Don't worry, you'll be great."

"I hope so."

"Okay now, let's have fun. You've been practicing for the last week. You need to relax so let's play chess! What do you say?"

"You're right."

We played a couple of games before we had to go to our third class.

"Good luck for your presentation! You'll rock this." He said before leaving.

"Thank you!" I answered, smiling.

I usually really enjoyed Professor Trelawney's class, but today I kept worrying because my next class was potions. When divination was over I went to Professor Snape's classroom. I took my place next to Draco.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Not really."

"Why? We practiced enough."

"I'm scared I'm going to forget my lines."

"I knew you'd say that."


"You kept saying that the night we practiced. Here drink that."

He handed me a small flask with a golden liquid inside.

"What is it? I'm not drinking that, you're going to poison me!" I whispered.

"Do it, Snape's coming. It'll be too late once the class is started."


I took it and drank it. Suddenly, I remembered all of my oral by heart. I didn't even need to read my papers!

"Memory potion." I whispered to Malfoy with a small smile.

"You're welcome."

"As you all know, today each team will have to present a potion of their choice." Professor Snape said in his usual boring voice.

"Potter, Granger you're first."

Snape walked to the side of the class to leave room for Harry and Hermione. Hermione started.

"The potion we chose is Polyjuice potion."

"See, everyone's going to present Polyjuice." I whispered to Malfoy.

"Right." He answered.

Hermione didn't forget one line and was pretty good at presenting her part. Then, it was Harry's turn. He struggled sometimes to remember his lines, but it was overall okay.

Lavender and Ron were next. Then, Blaise and Pansy. Seamus and Dean. Then, the moment I was stressed for arrived.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms Y/L/N it's your turn."

We walked to the front of the class. I started.

"Veritaserum is the potion we chose for our presentation."

Everything was alright, I remembered every line. As I was still presenting I saw Malfoy discretely taking out his wand of his pocket. I was wondering what he was doing, but I kept going. And then, I saw him make a subtle move with it.

"Expelliarmus." He whispered.

No one, except from me heard. Snape didn't even notice. My part of the presentation was finally over, it was Malfoy's turn. He started talking and everything was fine. About five minutes later, our oral was done. I was relieved. We went back to our place as everyone applauded. I think we nailed this. I didn't really pay attention to the rest of the orals.

"See it wasn't that bad." Malfoy whispered to me.

"Yeah that's because your potion helped me, else I would've forgotten everything."

"Want to know a secret?"


"That was simply water with eddible glitters in it."

"Are you kidding me?!" I said a little too loud.

Snape gave me a look. I blushed.

"Well it worked didn't it?"

"You tricked me!" I whispered.

"You were so convinced you were going to forget your text, if you mess up it affects my grade too."

When the class ended I walked with Hermione to the Gryffindor common room, we wanted to hang out a little.

"Did you see Malfoy while you were presenting?" She asked.

"You noticed too!"

"What spell did he say?"

"Expelliarmus. He's so idiot, I bet he just wanted to play around with his friend while I was presenting, but it was the worst time possible!"

"I don't think so."

"Are you defending him?"

"As much as I hate Malfoy, I observed Crabbe and he had his wand out. I tried to listen to his conversation with Blaise. He was telling Crabbe not to do it and Crabbe was telling him that it was only a joke and that she was annoying anyway."

"Okay and?"

"Y/N believe it or not I think Crabbe was about to cast a spell on you during your presentation, that Malfoy knew and that he used Expelliarmus on Crabbe. I think... That he protected you."

"No way. Impossible. He's a horrible person and he's been mean with me since we've met."

"Y/N take this like you want, but I think that this is what happened."

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