69: 1994; Through The Fireplace

970 33 13


Saturday, December 3

I went to see how Ron was holding up. He'd been skipping classes, he hadn't showered in about a week and his side of the roon was a total mess. Harry told me he's been refusing to leave his bed and didn't even want to eat anymore, which was really unlike him.

"Ron, you need to get up! Don't you want to go play some Quidditch a little bit? It's super sunny outside! Plus, it's Saturday!"

"Leave me alone. I want to sleep."

I've been here for forty-five minutes, cleaning up and trying to convince him to get up.

I sat on the edge of his bed, passing my hand through his hair. He started crying.

"Thanks..." He said, softly.

I chuckled a little bit.

"For what?"

"For being there for me." He said, wiping away his tears.

"It's nothing." I said.

"I'll let you sleep a little bit, but promise me you'll come down for dinner alright?" I added.

"I can't promise anything." He said.

"Then, I'll bring dinner to you." I said, getting up and leaving the room.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard Harry talk in the Gryffindor common room, I wasn't necessarily eavesdropping, but I stopped and listened for a small bit.

"Are you safe?" He asked.

"Yes Harry, thank you. How's the Triwizard Tournament going?" The other voice asked.

"It's okay, but all of this is very odd. I never put my name in the goblet."

"I know Harry, I know."

I marched down the rest of the stairs and when I arrived in the common room, to my surprise there was someone's face through the flames of the fire.

"Is that...?" I asked, walking closer.

"Yeah, it's Sirius." Harry said, sinking in the couch.

"Hello, y/n, we met last year."

"Yes I remember."

"Have you noticed something strange recently?" Sirius asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"With the people around Harry. It's not normal that his name got put in the goblet."

"Sincerely, I don't know sir, sorry." I said.

I sat next to Harry and we all stayed silent, thinking about the latest events. It was true. It was super weird that Harry's name got in the goblet in the first place and that he got chosen was even odder.

Then, a little while after, Hydra came bursting in the common room with Neville standing in the door frame making a sorry face, because he had given her the password.

She was crying and hyperventilating.

"What's going on Hydra?!" I asked.

I saw Sirius hide through the flames, but he was still there listening to the conversation.

"I... It's." She said, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Take deep breaths." I said, rubbing her back.

She did so and after five minutes of breathing exercises, she calmed down. I sat her down on the couch and she took her head in her hands.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now