68: 1994; The First Task

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Thursday, November 24

"Harry! Your shirt is on backwards." Hermione tutted.

"Ced! Fix your trousers, they're way too big, put on a belt." She said, looking at him up and down.

"Where's your wand Harry?!" She continued.

"Cedric! Stop with that grin!"

"Blimey, calm down." Ron said, taking her hand.

"I can't!" She shrieked, leaping up from the couch.

She paced the room, biting her nails off.

"This stupid tournament is so dangerous!"

"But we have to." Harry said, taking Cedric's hand.

"Everything'll be fine." I said, getting up to hug Harry and Cedric.

"How'd you know?! Harry is fourteen! He's way too young." Hermione said.

Ron got up and sat her down on the couch, putting an arm around her.

I shifted and looked at Draco awkwardly. He had the same expression on his face.

I haven't talk to Hermione nor Ron about the Viktor situation and I felt really bad about it.

"Right. Dragons." Harry said, looking at his wand.

"Blimey!" Mione said, getting up again.

Ron sunk further in the couch, abandoning the idea of calming her girlfriend.

"We'll be alright Hermione." Ced tutted.

"If you dare dying you two, I'll bring you back from the deads and kill you myself!" She said, pointing a finger at them.

But then, her features softened and she hugged them.

"Be careful." She whispered.

We were all stressed about the first task, obviously. Harry and Cedric had been fighting a lot recently, I was pretty sure it was the nerves of having to fight a bloody dragon.

"We ought to be going." Harry said, pushing back his glasses up his nose.

"Yeah, see you later boys." Mione said, smiling.

"Good luck, you two." I said.

"Can you please come back in one piece?" Draco said.

"What did you do to Malfoy?" Harry asked me, chuckling.

Draco rolled his eyes, sighing.

"Thanks mate." Harry said to him, sincerely.

"See you later lads." Ron said, not moving from the couch.

The couple left the Gryffindor common room and the atmosphere darkened as we all started worrying, silently.

"Ron, you really ought to sort your problems with Harry. He's your best friend!" Hermione said, sitting on the couch next to me, frowning.

"I'm still mad at him." Ron said, crossing his arms.

"For what?! For something he can't control? Look he didn't put his name in the bloody goblet! Get over yourself."

"Well, you should be grateful I'm too busy being mad at him and not at you!"

"What are you saying?! You're speaking nonsense."

"Bloody hell, Hermione don't act so innocent!"

"Will you express yourself or keep pretending like I know every little bits of your thoughts?!"

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