28: 1993; Riddikulus Y/N

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Tuesday, October 19

This morning I got up, took a shower, dressed up and went to the Great Hall.

"Good morning!" Ginny said to me.

"Good morning, how are you?"

"Pretty good you?"

"Great, I'm starting in defense against the dark arts this morning and I really love Professor Lupin so I'm happy about that."

"You're lucky, I'm starting in potions this morning." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well I should probably get going, but good luck with Snape and see you at lunch."

"See you!"

I hugged her and walked to Professor Lupin's classroom. I entered and Harry, Hermione, Ron and a couple of other students were already there. All the desks were on one side of the class to create a wide free space in the room. The rest of the students arrived a couple minutes later and finally, Professor Lupin came in and closed the doors.

"Can someone here tell me what a boggart is?" He asked looking at the group.

Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes Ms. Granger."

"A boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will assume the form of wathever most frightens the person who encounters it."

"Excellent Ms. Granger."

"In this wardrobe, a boggart is hidden. Each of you will have a turn to face the creature and defeat it. You will need to face your deepest fear. The way to win against a boggart is to say the following spell 'Riddikulus' while channeling really hard your energy. Let's try it together, without your wands."

"Riddikulus!" The whole class said together.


"Riddikulus!" We said again.

"Okay! That's great. We need a first participant."

Everyone stayed silent.

"You! Mr. Longbottom, come over here."

Neville walked towards Professor Lupin slowly.

"What are you afraid of my dear boy?"


"Go on, don't be shy."

"Professor Snape..." Neville mumbled.

"Oh I see! Professor Snape." Professor Lupin said with a small laugh.

"You live with your grandmother right?"


"Okay, when I'll open this door, I want you to deeply visualize Professor Snape wearing your grandmother's clothes!"

"Hmm okay... sure." Neville said.

And then, the door opened and Snape came out of it. He looked at Neville with a severe look.

"Riddikulus!" Neville shouted, with his wand in direction of the boggart.

Snape immediately changed into old clothes with flower patterns on it.

"Well done Mr. Longbottom! Okay let's form a line! Everyone will try!"

Once we were in line, Ron started, his was a giant spider. Then, the line shortened as everyone passed.

Suddenly, it was Malfoy's turn. He looked really nervous, I don't think he wanted to do this. When the wardrobe open, smog came out of it first, then a tall, man figure came out of the smoke, but we couldn't see much, because Malfoy quickly yelled.


Then, the tall man changed into a donkey. Professor Lupin put the boggart back into the cabinet and Malfoy rushed out of the classroom.

Everyone started talking about his boggart. They wondered why he was scared of smoke, but I'm pretty sure I saw a man in there.

"Why's Malfoy scared of smoke?" Ron asked.

"I don't know." Harry answered.

"That's pretty odd." Hermione added.

I just stayed quiet.

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