45: 1994; The Twins' Party

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Monday, February 14

For the past weeks, nothing really exciting happened. Ginny started talking to me a little bit more, but really just chatting.

Ron and Hermione finally got together, but that wasn't much of a surprise. He asked her out at the library about two weeks ago.

Cedric and Harry were still a strong couple.

And Draco has been flirting with me since we came back from the Holidays. Always standing super close to me, helping me in potions, coming to get me at the Hufflepuff common room to get to the library or our classes, joking around and being overly sweet. Honestly, I didn't know what to think of it.

I got out of the common room to get to class and actually he was there waiting for me.

"Good morning." He said.


We started walking towards potions.

"You did the assignment?" He asked.

"I did, thanks mum."

"Slept well?"

"Incredibly, you?"

"I did thank you."

"You heard about the Weasley twins' party tonight?"

"Of course who hasn't."

"Are you coming?" I asked.

"Only if you are."

"I'll be there."

"Then, I'll be there with you."

We entered the potions class and everyone was awfully quiet. Class hadn't started, but Snape was already there and he was writing on the board. Draco and I sat down looking at each other with a weird look.

"Good morning students." Snape said.

"You will be working in teams of four today, making a potion. I will be making the teams." He added.

He started pairing people up until he called my name.

"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger and Mr. Potter."

I was glad to be with my friends, but I didn't think Hermione and Harry would be so happy about that match. It's like Snape was doing this on purpose. Like seriously, putting Malfoy and Potter together isn't the best idea.

They walked over to our table and we started following the instructions in the book.

Draco kept joking around with me, but throwing death looks at Harry.

"Draco stop!" I said laughing, while he tried to stir at the same time as me.

"It's my turn!" He said, laughing too.

Harry rolled his eyes and kept on cutting the herbs for the potion.

"You're such a kid!" I said, still smiling.

"Oh stop it, you love it!" He said, getting behind me and tickling me.

"Nooo Draco! I need to stir!" I said.

"When will you two stop?" Harry asked angrily.

"Jeez...Calm down." I said.

"No I won't calm down Y/N! Since when are you friendly with Malfoy? Are you his friend or ours!"

"I'm both!" I said.

"Well you can't." He said.

"Harry come on..." Hermione said, looking at him.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now