74: 1994; Serious Conversation

925 33 24


Thursday, January 5

The sound of keys jiggling against the metallic door woke me up. I looked around and glanced at my dad who was freeing me.

"Go take a shower and dress up, I'm taking you to the platform." He said, walking up the stairs, letting the door open.

"You're taking me to the platform? Pff, that's a first." I shouted, so he could hear me well.

He stopped at the top of the stairs and without turning around stated, before leaving.

"It's just to make sure the person who will watch over you at Hogwarts will definitely be here and listen to my commands, don't get foolish ideas into your head."

I got up, leaving my half eaten food tray from last night on the cold stone floor.

When I arrived upstairs, the house, despite its dark black walls was somehow very sunny.

I walked up the stairs to get to the bathroom. As I passed by my parents room, I saw a feminine shape laying on the master bed, reading. I pushed the door slightly, to find my mum, casually planted on the duvet of the mattress.

"Mum?" I asked, softly.

She looked up and smiled.

"My dear boy." She expressed.

"When did you come back?" I asked, a wide smile on my face.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, I thought you went somewhere... Didn't you?"

"No, I never left." She said, her eyes softening.

"You... You were here the whole time?" I asked, shook.

She sighed and put her book down.

"Come here." She said, patting the bed.

She's been here the whole time, she let all of this happen.

"No! No! No! You let him! You-you! You let him put me in a cage! Mum..." I said, feeling my eyes prickle.

I saw a faint image of her sorry face as my eyes got all watery and blurry.

"You promised you'd never let him do it." I said, slowly with the last tiny efforts that remained in my body.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but you need to understand that-" She said.

"Don't." I bawled, leaving the room.

I entered the bathroom and turned on the tap, I washed my face with cold water, trying to revive the colours in my face as I was way too pale.

Having my mum saying she didn't help me get out of that horrible prison cell after spending a week in it, all alone, in the dark, without a proper bed made me look terrible.

I ran the shower and sat on the closed toilet lid, contemplating the wall in front of me.

I couldn't believe it, it was going to be the first time my father would accompany me to the platform. I never imagined it would have happened and when the idea occurred to me I never thought it would be in these conditions.

I hopped in the shower, letting hot water run down my dry skin, my poor skin. Only a week in the humidity of the cave made it crackle from everywhere.

I thought again about my father telling me he'd have someone watching over me at Hogwarts. What did this even mean? Would he tell Dumbledore about all of this? Like yeah, basically my son cannot under any circumstances be in touch with y/n y/l/n. Imagine how stupid that would sound, the headmaster of Hogwarts had better things to do.

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