76: 1994; Talk

863 30 9


Tuesday, January 9

I fidgeted with the sleeve of my hoodie as I looked out the window. It was raining and it reminded me of that time y/n and I danced and kissed each other under this weather last year. I smiled.

Blaise walked out of the bathroom.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked, jumping on his bed.

"Nothing." I said, dismissively, my lips dropping.

"You were thinking about her, weren't you?"


We stayed silent and I knew he was looking at me, his gaze was piercing my back.

"Do you reckon she'll forgive you soon?"

"She did seem a little bit less mad, yesterday, in potions."

Another silence, I knew he was preparing himself to say something and I hoped he wasn't going to apologize again and try to talk about the night he told y/n everything.

"Mate, I'm sorry again. For telling your secret, I didn't know she wasn't aware of the situation."

"I have to go." I said, turning around and leaving the room.

"Draco!" I heard him say as I was rushing down the stairs.

It was easier to live without thinking about him telling her about my whole father situation. He was my roommate and I couldn't let myself be angry at him, it would only ruin my time here, at Hogwarts.

Talking about ruining my time, Goyle was sitting at the bottom of the staircase, in case I was to leave the common room.

"Where are you going?" He asked, getting up.

"None of your business." I said, walking across the common room, making Pansy's eyes lift up from her book.

"Draco, can I talk to you for a second." She said as I passed by the couch she was sitting on.

"I gotta be somewhere." I said, leaving the common room, Goyle still chasing me.

"You know I have to tell your dad if you do anything suspicious and that looks very suspicious to me!" He said, panting, trying to catch up with me.

"Do it. Write him a bloody letter."

"He'll take you out of the school! Think about this."

"I have a potions project to come up with you stupid dimbo!"

"Oh right... You should ask Snape to change partners."

"I already hear his answer in the back of my ear and it starts with a 'N'"

"Will you stop walking so fast!"

"No." I said, speeding up a little bit.

"Now go write a bloody letter to my dad and leave me alone!" I said, now running away from him.

"Wait!" He screamed as I turned a corner.

When I arrived at the Hufflepuff common room, y/n opened the door for me.

"Hi." I said, a little bit out of breath from escaping Goyle.

"Didn't know you had asthma." She said, turning around carelessly.

"That's because I don't, I just ran."

"Why?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she sat on the couch and opened her potions textbook.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now