67: 1994; Big Softie

997 35 9


Sunday, November 13

I decided to go back to Hogsmeade today to call Emma. I got in the phone box and dialed her number. It rang three times and someone picked up.


"Hi, can I speak to Emma please?"

"Yes, one moment please. Emmaaaaaa, it's for you." Her mum yelled.

I heard my best friend stomp down the stairs to reach the phone in the living room.

"Y/n! How are you?"

"I'm good you?"

"Excellent! Hey, I wanted to tell you sorry for the way Lucy acted with you at the party. I was half passed out on the couch when all of this happened, I promise I would've done something, but I was completely drunk."

"Don't worry, it's in the past. Also, you don't have control over her actions. Actually, I needed advices concerning what happened that night."

"Go on."

"Well, obviously Draco was jealous of Christopher, should I talk to him about it or let it slide?"

"Bloody hell y/n! It's been two weeks and you still haven't talked to him about it?! What are you waiting for!"

"I'm just scared."

"Of what exactly?"

"Well, I know that if I ask him some questions he'll want to ask some. And it's inevitable that he'll ask about why I left London."

"Oh yeah... Look, he obviously loves you a lot, I'm pretty sure he'll respect your limits if you tell him that you don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, maybe."

"I'm telling you, you should really talk to him about it. You can't just leave it there, it's not good for your relationship."

"You're right. Anway, how's it going with Blaise?"

"Fantastic! It was so nice to see him at Halloween, I missed him so much."

"That's great! Sorry, I have another question, if that's okay."

"Of course, what is it?"

"When Nathan cheated on you, how did you find out?"

"Saw him kiss the bitch in the parking of a restaurant, just out of town."

"And, do you think it would've been better if he had told you?"

"Yes, at a hundred percent."

"If someone had told you, it would've been better or not?"

"Yes, because I've spent four months of my relationship in a massive lie. But y/n why all of these questions? Do you think Draco's cheating?!"

"No, not at all! It's just that... one of my friends cheated on her boyfriend who happens to be my friend too and I don't know what to do."

"Poor boy! You should tell him!"

"But, she'll never forgive me."

"Screw her! She can't cheat on the poor guy, it's not okay."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Hey look, I need to go, but it was nice talking to you!"

"Okay love, call me another time! Love you."

"Love you too!"

I hung up and walked back to the castle, thinking about what I was going to say to Draco and what I was going to do about the Hermione and Viktor situation.

"Y/n!" Someone said as I passed by the black lake.

I turned around and saw Draco, his diary in hand, waving at me. I walked up to him.

"I've been looking for you all morning!" He said with a big smile.

"Sorry, I went to Hogsmeade to call Emma."

"It's fine!" He said, taking me in his arms.


"Draco, can we be honest with each other?"

"Of course we can! What's going on?"

"Were you jealous of Christopher at the party?" She asked, her head still in my chest.

I leaned back to look into her eyes.

"Since, we're being honest peasants, yes I was." I said, sighing.

"You know, he's in the past, right?" She said.

Actually, I was really self-conscious. He was pretty good-looking and I knew absolutely nothing about y/n's past relationships or even her past life at all. But I didn't want to make a big fuss out of this, so I answered with the easiest response.

"Yes, I know, don't worry."

"Good, because you're the only one." She said, kissing me softly.

I felt my cheeks go red, god I loved the girl.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said.

I felt her shift in my arms, before answering.


"Why did you leave your old school?"

"I don't really want to talk about it sorry." She said, looking at the ground.

I didn't want to push her so I didn't ask more questions, but this intrigued me and made me feel even more self-conscious. Did she even trust me, I wondered.

"It's fine." I said, giving her a faint smile.

She looked relieved and we started walking on the school grounds, hand in hand. We passed by Mclaggen and he looked away, turning red. I hoped he had learnt his lesson, because I wouldn't even hesitate to punch him again. Maybe not as hard as last time, but definitely a good hit across the face.

I looked at y/n from the corner of my eye to spot her reaction after we had passed Cormac and I couldn't do anything else, but smile, because she was wearing my hoodie. It suited her and I thought she looked so cute in the oversized fabric.

She caught sight of my grin and spoke up.

"What's going on?" She asked, matching my expression.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head, still smiling.

"Oh come on what is it?"

"It's you. You just make me smile."

"Big softie." She said, putting her head on the side of my arm.

"You're a big softie too." I said.

"Not as much as you. There's plenty more hidden under this cockiness, I bet."

"Only for you." I said, poking out my tongue at her.

She turned around and hugged me tight.

"My big softie." She said in the hollow of my neck.

"My big softie." I said too, humming the sweet perfume of her hair.

She smelled like lavender, fresh summer breeze and honey. A mix, I would've never thought would work so perfectly together.

But what can I say, y/n y/l/n, truly was the perfect girl.

I'll Write your Name in the Stars (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now