38: 1993; Malfoy Manor

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References to sex
Sexual harassment

Thursday, December 23

My parents were throwing the anual big Christmas party at our house. Each year, they invited all of their friends. I was happy because they usually had kids my age, so we would always hang out all night.

I was in my room, putting on a white blouse, black trousers and a black tie. The usual plus a little chic touch.

"Dracooooo, come here sweetheart!" I heard my mum yell from down the stairs.

I rushed down.

"Mum, please don't call me that. I'm not five anymore."

"Oh stop, you'll always be my little baby." She said pulling me into a hug.

"So, you'll welcome all the guests into the house for the party. They're going to start arriving in an hour or so." She continued talking.

"Welcome to Malfoy manor, enjoy the night." I said with a way too sarcastically happy face.

"Great!" She shrieked before going upstairs.

I sat in the big leather couch in front of the fire.

An hour later, just like my mum predicted, guests were ringing the doorbell. I quickly got up and answered. It was a couple of friends of my dad. I let them in and they went in the kitchen to talk with my parents. After a good thirty minutes of welcoming people into my home, I opened the door on no one else than Pansy Parkinson and her parents.

"Welcome to Malfoy manor, enjoy the night." I said in a monotone voice.

"Hey Draco!"

"Hi Pansy."

They came in and my mum arrived.

"Go on Draco, enjoy the party too! Why don't you go chat with Pansy in the living room. It's always great to see you Pansy!" She said before leaving.

Parkinson dragged me by the arm and sat me down on a couch. She dumped herself next to me.

"Soooo, how are you?"

"I'm good Parkinson, can you give me space." I said, moving to my left.

"Mind giving me a house tour?" She said, playing with her necklace while looking me up and down.

"Hm, you've already been here."

"Yeah, but I never got the chance to visit your bedroom."

"Well there's a reason for that." I said before getting up and going in the kitchen.

I took a glass of special punch and tried to escape her. God she was so annoying. I was wondering what Y/N was doing right now. She was with those dumb Weasleys and Potter. There's no way she was having fun there. I saw my mum at the other side of the room. She was totally drunk. It was a pretty funny thing to witness. She started walking towards me. She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into the living room, where Pansy remained.

"Why don't you two go hang out somewhere else? It's a little bit boring here for you guys." My mum said.

"When are Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle coming?"

"Oh they couldn't make it, sadly. You guys are the only teenagers here. Sorry guys." She said turning out her bottom lip and making a sad face.

When she left Pansy pulled me in the hallway and up the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shhhh." She said, unbuckling my belt.

"No Pansy! Don't." I said, pushing her away.

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