In the Dark

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YangYang, having heard absolutely nothing but chaos coming from the basement, opened the door to figure out what was going on. He was also the last of those who showered at night to get out of the bathroom, so everyone else was downstairs.

Except the basement was pitch black, and when he wasn't able to turn on the lights with a flip of the switch, he realized the cafe was darker than usual when they turned off the lights. Shrugging, he went down the stairs regardless and almost tripped down the last few.

"Is that YangYang?"

"Mister or Missus burglar, there's very few of us down here that would be useful to you. Take Johnny or Haechan-"

"Hey! I thought we made up!

"We did but Mrs. Suh's more likely to pay the ransom if it's you."

"Or Jisung."

"That too."

"Relax, it's just me." YangYang answered, trying to find his way to hus bunk bed.

He laid down in what he thought was his bed, just to find someone was already in it.

"Oh shoot the burglar's coming for me! I'm not Johnny!"

"There's no burglar!"

"Sorry! Wrong bed!"

A pair of arms wrapped around him and brought him back down when he tried getting back up.

"Nope, you're my cuddle buddy now."

"Did you just ditch me? I thought we were already cuddling?"

"Do you have three people in a bed?"


"Do I not exist anymore?"

"Sorry Hen!"

"Does anyone know if the power's out?"

"What do you think?"

"I was just wondering!"

YangYang was just confused why no one was just going to sleep because it wasn't like they were affected by a power outage right now. Then again, you have to remember who he's dealing with.

"Do we have to do anything with the fridge?"

"Not if no one opens it. It'll stay cold for a few hours without a problem."

"This is why we keep you around."

"Really? That's the only reason?"

"Well someone has to have brain cells around here."

"I thought we kept him around because he brought Chenle over..."

"Glad to know I'm loved."

"Of course we love you! You feed us!"

"Thanks, Cas."

"No problem."

"Where's Annie?"

"Oh shoot, did we forget her upstairs?"

"No, she's in Jaehyun's bed with Taeil's bear."

"Well where's Jae then?"

"On the floor next to her."

"Now that's cute."

"Did someone take the bear's accessories off?"

"Of course we did, we're not that dumb, Ji."

"Wait. What's she wearing?"


"You creep."

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