With help(?) from kanghehetmon and Vietmulti
Sungchan and Hendery were beyond confused. They had reached the state of confusion two minutes in, and they were way past that now. There wasn't even a word in any dictionary of any language that could describe how confused they were.
That didn't mean they weren't highly invested, though.
To their understanding, which didn't account for very much, this show was a very bad cross over of everything that should've been struck for copyright issues but for some reason wasn't. They had started watching it because the two of them were bored and wanted to find something to binge, and somehow ended up with the show they remembered Yuta and Taeil watching without everyone else.
Or at least they thought it was. It didn't seem like something Taeil and Yuta would watch, but then again it was six years ago. And the show was highly addicting.
Ten flopped down next to the two of them on the bed as an episode finished.
"What are you watching?"
"The Cow Jumped Over the Moon. I think." Hendery answered, stopping the computer from playing the next episode automatically.
Ten scoffed, "Is it a kids show or something?"
"Or something." Sungchan mumbled.
He wasn't sure if he was scarred or not, but he had a feeling he should be. There's no way he should've finished watching almost half those episodes without gaining some sort of trauma.
"What's it about?"
"I really don't think you want to know." Hendery countered, attempting to close the tab and shut down the computer.
Ten was having none of that, though, and stopped Hendery. He accidentally started playing the next episode, and Sungchan and Hendery knew he was done for now just like they were.
The episode started with some scenes being played back to give context for this one, Hendery and Sungchan both trying to disappear where they sat.
Ten paused the episode after the recap, staring off into space for a second.
"I'm hooked. You've got to explain all of this now."
Hendery and Sungchan looked at each other with a sigh before Sungchan started.
"Well, this all started with Minnie."
"Minnie Mouse?" Ten interrupted.
Sungchan nodded, "Yeah, Minnie Mouse. Anyways, it started with her crashing the annual princess ball and twerking in front of Belle and Cinderella. Elsa then froze her because she was dating Belle and Cinderella, so you'd think Minnie would stay frozen, but because Mickey's in an extremely toxic relationship with her and doesn't realize that she's destroying him slowly, he unfroze her."
"With a hair dryer." Hendery added, "He stayed up all night unfreezing her with a hair dryer."
"So then Mario stole Groot and Luigi was arrested because Mario framed him, and Twilight Sparkle disguised herself as Ken to get with Toad from Frog and Toad because Twilight Sparkle is Barbie's crazy ex and she wanted to start drama."
"Except Toad is actually in love with Barney but won't tell him." Hendery finished.
Ten nodded slowly, trying to piece that together in his mind with the recap clips he had just watched. Except none of the pieces fit quite right. Like one of those puzzle pieces you can fit in another but the pictures don't match up.
"Wait, so this is just three different story lines in one show?"
Sungchan and Hendery hesitated for a second.
"We think Elsa and Minnie are somehow going to piece them all together in these next two episodes." Hendery answered.
Deciding that was probably enough information to get him through the last two episodes of the season, Ten let the episode play.
The three of them sat there in dazed silence when it finished, none of them knowing what to think. Just as Hendery and Sungchan had predicted, Elsa and Minnie tied all of the storylines together.
Elsa had to choose between ratting out Twilight Sparkle to Barbie and rescuing Groot from Mario, so she did the later. Mario then got his redemption arc by helping Mickey get out of his relationship with Minnie, but Minnie moved on extremely quickly and started trying to ruin Wreck It Ralph and Darth Vader's relationship.
The season ended with Luigi holding a dog that meows at gunpoint in prison, but Luigi was shot by the guards. The dog that meows then took the opportunity to make a run for it, and he ended up with Elmo. In the process, a cat that moos also escaped jail and she ran away with Bert and Ernie.
Taeil smiled when he came downstairs and saw the season one thumbnail for the show on the computer.
"That was a good show. Too bad Minnie pushed the cow out of the way when it was about to jump over the moon."
Ten, Hendery and Sungchan turned slowly to Taeil, eerily in sync.
"When did that happen?"
"Season three. I think they banned it from the internet because of the explicit content."
"There's a season three?!" Sungchan squeaked.
"Yeah, I think Yuta somehow got a copy of it on DVD."
Ten, Hendery and Sungchan whipped their heads to face each other. Yeah, they looked like they just had a piece of their soul sucked out of them, but season three just might be worth it.
"Where is it?"

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanfictionJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...