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Yuta took one look at the almost empty display case for the baked goods, took a look at the clock to see how much time he had before school started, and sighed. He had plenty of time to make cupcakes and put them in the oven before they had to go, but that was almost a little too much to take on this early in the morning.

"Okay, Ji, what kind of cupcake should I make?" Jisung just widened his eyes as he ate another spoonful of cereal.

Yuta sighed. "Dang, who told you I'm not allowed to bake?"

"You should make strawberry. Jaemin loves strawberry." Mark smacked Jaehyun's shoulder, the two of them just now getting up for the morning.

"No he doesn't."

"What are cupcakes?" Jisung mumbled, but he got distracted when Taeil came through the cafe door. "You came back!"

Taeil smiled and ruffled his hair. He had misjudged how much extra time he would need to walk to the cafe before school so he could check on Jisung, so he figured now he'd just have to hang out for a while.

"You don't know what cupcakes are?" Mark looked extremely flabbergasted.

"Who doesn't know what cupcakes are? I know I've made them before." Mrs. Suh came down from the upstairs, her hair pulled up in a clip and ready for work.

"Jisung. I was going to make some before school."

"Yuta, you know you aren't allowed to bake anymore." She gave him a teasing smile, kissing the top of Mark's head before she noticed the two new kids. "I'm guessing one of you is Jisung."

"I am!"

"My name's Taeil, ma'am. YangYang brought us over last night."

"Of course he did. I'm Johnny's Mom and I run the cafe. You're welcome here anytime." Her smile mimicked that of their own parents. "Is that Mark's shirt?"

Jisung looked down at the shirt Jaehyun had given him last night and shrugged.

"Yeah, he spent the night. Can he live with us?" Mark asked, but he was saving the puppy eyes for later just in case.

"I'll talk with Mr. Suh about it. Now what was that about you not knowing what cupcakes are?" Mrs. Suh was already reaching for the recipe book, flipping to the cupcake section.

She let Jisung sit on the counter while she baked with Yuta's help while the other boys finished getting ready for the day. Taeil watched from the side and talked with her, finding Mrs. Suh to be similar to his own mom.

They made two batches of cupcakes, one chocolate with strawberry swirls, and the other green tea just so Jaemin would have something to eat later. She let Jisung lick any beaters he wanted to, especially if they had frosting on them. Forget not having sugar in the morning.

Unfortunately for Yuta, Taeil and Johnny, the cupcakes weren't done by the time they had to leave for school. But for the younger ones they got to bring one with them for after their lunch, and she even let them bring some for the others.

"You know, I think I know your Mom."

Jisung picked his head up, a bit of frosting on his nose. Yeah, she made the others wait for lunch to eat a cupcake (even Mark) but Jisung got to have one now.

"You do?"

She nodded, wiping the frosting off for him with a napkin. "I'm pretty sure I went to school with her. Did she ever join the army like she wanted to?"

"Both my parents did. Yesterday."

"Is that why Mark asked if you could live here?" Jisung nodded, taking another bite of his cupcake.

"Why don't you go get around for school. Ask the boys if you need anything." She set him down on the floor so he wasn't jumping off the counter, and he went down to the basement.

Mrs. Suh instantly went upstairs to her husband, seriousness all over her face. "We're keeping him."

"Keeping who?"

Mrs. Suh mentioned the name of their former classmate and that it was her son, giving a brief explanation of the situation.

"I'll get a bed around when I have the time."

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