"If you even think about touching my Africa, you're going to be destroyed." Haechan threatened, moving his troops so they formed a wall along the border of Africa.
Johnny had thought playing Risk would be a great idea, but you could only play with six players and there were nine of them. So Jeno, Mark and Jungwoo were coloring while they watched the game, but they had already been playing for two hours and no one could tell who was winning. Except Yuta, they knew he was losing.
"No one's trying to touch your Africa." Jaehyun reassured him, but YangYang tossed Haechan the defending set of die.
"Brasil to North Africa." With all of Haechan's troops in only Africa since that had been his focus the entire two hours, it took a while for YangYang to dwindle down his wall of forces, and even then he didn't break into Africa. The most that had been done was the loss of troops on both sides.
"Okay, I'm done."
"My turn?" Sicheng asked, and Johnny nodded.
"So I get thirty troops..."
"Thirty?!" Yuta and Jaehyun immediately started counting Sicheng's territories and then dividing it by three, neither of them coming up with thirty.
"That's not thirty."
"No, but I have the cards." He flipped over his cards he got for conquering, revealing the extra amount of troops he was going to get.
They then all watched as he piled all of them in Indonesia since he had been reduced to only Australia quite early in the game, and then watched him manage to sweep through all of Asia and Europe in one turn. Which should have been impossible with only thirty, but he was very lucky with his dice rolls and Johnny had left his forces very thin in most of the territories.
"And lastly,"
"Please don't."
"Mongolia vs. Japan."
"Please stop. That's my only territory." Yuta pleaded, but Sicheng didn't care. He was on a conquering spree and Japan was not about to be the only one he left untouched. Even if Yuta had over ten troops there because it was the only place he could put them.
"You better hope the power of anime is on your side because my tea and cilantro didn't help me." Jaehyun commented, still in shock over how he lost everything and was booted from the game when he controlled Europe.
Mark looked up from his coloring book, tilting his head. "Cilantro?" When no one explained it to him because they didn't even know, he went back to coloring just to see Jungwoo had swapped their books on him.
Those playing the game watched in pure silence as Yuta's entire Japan was demolished and taken over, removing Yuta from the game. Which only left Johnny with his one territory in Alaska and Haechan and YangYang with their forces in Africa, North America and South America.
"Please don't touch my Africa."
"Oh don't worry, I'll give you another turn to gather as many as you can to fight for your life before I destroy you little children." His sweet smile he gave afterwards terrified the others.
It wasn't even like they could just sweep through what he had taken over because he had left just enough in each territory to make it difficult. And because he had defeated Jaehyun and Yuta, he got their conquer cards, allowing him to get even more troops the next turn to take over the rest of the world.
So because there was nothing else they could do, Johnny, Haechan and YangYang piled as many of their troops as they could get on the borders closest to Sicheng to try and stop him. That did nothing as he plowed through them on his next turn, turning the board yellow with his pieces and ending their two hour long game in five minutes.
"How the-"
"Well that was fun!"
"Oh cool, you're done. Can we play something we can all play now?" Jeno asked, sitting up and closing his coloring book.
"I don't know. I'm kind of done." Jaehyun answered as they started to clean up, and most of them nodded.
"I'll play with you." Sicheng offered, and Jeno shared a look with Mark before they both shook their heads.
"WinWin." Jungwoo spoke up.
"Yeah, you'll just win again and crush us."
"No, WinWin." Jungwoo pointed to Sicheng to emphasize his point, but only Yuta understood him.
"Guess you're WinWin now." Sicheng just shrugged, liking the nickname.
"At least it's better than Lion."

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanfictionJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...