Hendery, Jisung and Jaemin hadn't even noticed they were the only three left in the basement when everyone else dispersed for multiple reasons. They probably would've gone on for longer without noticing, but when Jaemin turned to make a comment to Haechan on how quiet everyone was, he wasn't there.
"Oh, it's just us."
Hendery and Jisung both looked up from Leon, shrugging at the empty room.
"I wondered why no one was screaming."
The first time it had gone truly silent in the basment, Lucas had started screaming to fix that. So now whenever there was unsolicited quiet, someone started screaming.
"What do we do?" Jisung asked, getting kind of bored with just playing with a cat.
"The white board says it's serious night. Whatever that means." Jaemin mentioned, leaning in the direction of it so he could see it better.
"Jaehyun came up with that. I think we've only used it once."
"Sewious night like why Hen has an eye patch?"
"Oh that one's easy. My brother threw a frog at me and I ran into the corner of a metal shelf. It's all good now, see?" He lifted the eye patch Kun had made him, showing the two his completely cloudy eye that was surrounded by scar tissue.
"Why the eye patch then?"
A couple weeks ago Hendery would've answered Jaemin's question with "because it's cooler," but now he'd have to say it was because Kun made it for him. No one had ever made something for him before, and he was extremely careful to never let his brother near it.
"I like being a pirate," he paused, adjusting his eye patch so it laid nice again. "Can we ask why you're a robot?"
Jisung shifted slightly, having to remind himself they were his friends and if Hendery could be a pirate, Jungwoo could barely talk, Haechan could try and kiss Mark and Taeil, and WinWin could not like hugs, then he could wear leg braces.
"You don't have to answer. That was my bad." Hendery immediately covered up when Jaemin sent him a glare.
"Mom says it's because my legs don't like to work right. Dad says it's 'cause I haven't grown enough to fit into them."
"You are way too cute." Jaemin pinched Jisung's cheek, unable to stop himself.
"Now you have to share something about yourself." Jisung demanded, not even bothering to swat away the older's hand.
Jaemin huffed and tried to think. They already knew about his coffee addiction and how he liked volunteering... what else could he share? It's not like he had some cool story like they did to go along with something. He couldn't even share something bad about his parents since they were really nice.
"How about why your hair's pink?" Hendery offered, saving Jaemin from mentioning he once listened to Baby Shark for two days straight.
"It started off as a support thing for my grandma, but now I keep it because I like it."
"That's cool."
"Dinner!" Yuta shouted down the stairs, not sure if there was anyone down there other than Leon.
When they got upstairs they found everyone sprawled out around the kitchen, the table never being able to fit them all again. Mr. Suh mentioned to Johnny that he would need help setting up Jisung's bed that night, causing Jisung to almost start crying.
"I think we should have serious night more often. That was fun." Hendery whispered to Jaemin.
Jaemin scrunched his nose and grabbed a plate. "I think there's a reason it's only been done once."

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanfictionJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...