With three extra people in the basement, and two dogs, the beds ended up being more crowded to comfortably have everyone sit. Which would've been fine if Haechan and Jungwoo would stop trying to kiss Mark, causing him to squirm all over the place.
Doyoung and Taeyong were playfully bickering with each other on the side, and Jeno, Johnny and Sicheng were playing a card game. Everyone else was either playing with the dogs or chilling. With snacks and juice boxes, though. Those were a necessity.
"Boys! Pizza is upstairs for when you're hungry!" Mrs. Suh called down the stairs, and they all looked to Johnny.
"Are we hungry?" YangYang asked for the group.
"I don't know. If you guys want to eat, we can eat."
So of course everyone stood up, and went to the upstairs kitchen to grab their pizza. Three boxes may have seemed like a lot of pizza to order, but when you're feeding that many kids, the Suhs have learned to get extra.
"Oh! We have three more kids! I'm Johnny's Mom. Feel free to ask if you need anything." She smiled at Taeyong, Lucas and Hendery, now even more glad that she had ordered extra.
"Thank you for the food." Taeyong bowed, and the other two followed suit. Everyone else was busy getting out plates and filling cups to take down to the basement like always.
"No problem."
"Oh yeah, that's Taeyong, Lucas and Hendery. Taeyong is Doyoung's friend, and the other two came as a bonus." Johnny explained, and his Mom gave them another smile, ruffled Mark's hair, and went back to the cafe to continue working.
After grabbing their food, they headed back down to the basement. Before Johnny had all of these friends, he would've never been able to do that. But since there's no room for everyone at the table, and they all clean up pretty well afterwards, the adults turned a blind eye.
"Woo, why are you crying?" Sicheng asked once they were all seated, having noticed his shoulders shake slightly.
"Are you okay?"
"What's wrong?"
He held up his plate and tilted it down a bit so everyone could see, but they couldn't see what was wrong. He just had pizza and ranch on his plate to dip it into.
"The pizza slid into the ranch. He's upset they're touching." Jeno explained, having noticed him keep his food from touching before.
Taeyong reached over, switched his pizza with Jungwoo's, and used a napkin to dab the younger's eyes. "There you go. All better."
"Forget Johnny, I think we have a new parent." Haechan whispered to whoever was next to him, even though it was Hendery.
"Now your pizza is contaminated." Mumbled Jungwoo, not understanding how Taeyong wasn't upset over that.
"It's fine," he licked the ranch off the side, "now it's gone."
"Kun does magic." Chenle added, and everyone froze.
"Ooh! I like magic tricks!" Exclaimed Lucas.
"You can understand us?"
"You told me you couldn't speak Korean!" YangYang looked as if he was extremely betrayed, and even Kun was surprised.
"You guys didn't know?" Doyoung questioned, having assumed they knew he spoke Korean since he had a small conversation with him when it was just them in the basement once.
Yuta shook his head with a sigh as if he was disappointed. "Top ten anime betrayals."
From then on the Chinese speakers refused to translate things for him unless he specifically asked. It didn't mean they stopped accidentally switching to Chinese, leading to the discovery that Lucas and Hendery also knew it as their mother tongue.
In short, everyone was confused that night and no one knew what to believe anymore.

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanficJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...