Let The Dice Decide

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My brother wrote this so you guys have to be nice (and yes, he was given candy afterwards again) He also likes making puzzles so if you're curious I'd start by checking out what each paragraph starts with

It was a casual day in the basement for the kids. The news was not all that exciting and café business was steady. It was cloudy outside and cooler than the days it was before so only some went outside to play.

For those kids who did stay behind, they wanted to do something fun. So Doyoung asked the others who wanted to play a game with dice. As the other kids were not interested, they ignored him except for Jeno, Shotaro, and Sungchan.

"You guys are ready to play this new game I came up with?" Doyoung asked the others.

"Okay. We'll try it," said Jeno.

"Under no circumstances will you guys make fun of me for it. I just came up with it so the rules are a work in progress."

"We won't. Let's see what you got," replied Sungchan.

And so Doyoung began to explain the rules of his new dice game. It was a game played with a 26-sided dice that you roll in secret. Doyoung had made them himself for this game. Each was a different color. The point of the game was to roll the dice under the cup, see what your number is without the others seeing, and begin making bets as to who had what number. For example, if you roll a 14, you would bet you have at least a 2. The next person would bet they have at least a 5. This continues until 2 people are left and one calls the others bluff. The bluff caller gets to see the other person's roll. If the accused has lied, he loses his bets in the middle and the accuser gets to keep the winnings even if he lied. But if the accused was not lying, they win the winnings

"No way that is going to work with us. You want us to play a game like that?" said Shotaro.

"Trust me. It'll work out," replied Doyoung. "Besides you said you would give it a shot."

"Alright. I'm sorry. Where's the dice you made?"

Pulling out a small coin pouch from his pocket, Doyoung presented them with the four 26-sided dice he had made; red, blue, green, and sparkling purple for himself.

Unnaturally, they each picked their own dice without fighting over the color and got an opaque cup and sat around a round table they procured from somewhere. Doyoung started the game.

"Zing! Let's just put in one nickel for the first round?" Sungchan suggested.

"Zoinks! Let's start small while we learn," said Jeno

"Let's begin with one nickel then. Put in your nickels and roll your dice!" exclaimed Doyoung

Everyone put in their nickels and shook their cups. When they were done, they all starred at each other. Trying to read each other's expressions as they thought about their own moves. Doyoung began the betting. They went around saying their bets with Jeno then Sungchan then Shotaro then Doyoung and so forth. Sungchan was the first to drop. Then Jeno. The two continued until Doyoung claimed Shotaro was bluffing. Shotaro bet he had at least a twenty-one and he was bluffing. Doyoung won! The rolls were revealed around the table: 23,8,1,20.

In that moment, they knew they wanted to keep playing this game. So they continued on playing this game for an hour! The next game, Shotaro won with the rolls: 4,9,4,25. After that he won again with 15,21,5,24. Then Doyoung won with 16,5,3,20. Then Doyoung won again with 20,15,6,9. Then Sungchan won on 14,4,23,9. Then Jeno won by some chance on 20,8,20,8.

They were having so much fun with this game! They didn't want to stop but they were called for dinner. Doyoung and Shotaro shouted back they were playing one more really quick. The other two left because they were hungry. In the one game they had left, they wanted to win so bad.

"I got you this time! I can see it in your eyes Shotaro!"

"So what? You always twitch when you are lying and I know that."

"I do not! You're just saying that!"

"Never mind this banter. I'm hungry and I want to win!"

They rolled their cups and slammed them on the table. They carefully peak at their dice. Doyoung begins.

He says, "I bet I have at least a five."

Entertained Shotaro replies, "I bet I have at least an eight"

Not amused Doyoung says, "I bet I have at least a nine!"

Unenthused Shotaro replies, "I bet I have at least a ten!"

Maybe Doyoung could win if he only knew, but his luck was out on this. "I bet I have at least a twelve!"

By this time, Shotaro could tell he was lying so he exclaimed, "I call your bluff!" Doyoung knew he was caught in the lie and slapped his cup away revealing a 9. Shotaro was happy he called it right and showed his 19!

Everyone was waiting to begin dinner now so the two went to get dinner. Doyoung was disappointed that he lost in his own game. Shotaro was beaming with joy!

"Roast beef and corn you two!" said Mark who was eager to start eating.

"Simmer down, Mark. We were just playing a quick game. I beat Doyoung at his own game!" boasted Shotaro as they grabbed their plates and began to eat.

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