J Meeting

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Johnny, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung all sat somewhere in the basement of Moonwalk. Johnny had wanted to bring down one of the tables from the cafe to make it a formal meeting, but they all argued that was too much work to feed Johnny's addiction of hosting meetings.

The tables also hadn't been set up yet, so that added to the work that would've had to have been done.

"Why are we even having a meeting?" Jisung questioned, squirming when one of the demons phased through his legs to get somewhere else. He really wished they'd stay still like Skip.

"Because Johnny's stressing out over the opening of Moonwalk in a few days and he doesn't know how to control himself other than make us having meetings." Jaehyun replied with a slight glare in Johnny's direction.

"I thought it was because all our name's start with J..." Jungwoo mumbled.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's because he wanted to put on a tie." Jaemin decided.

Johnny sighed, "No, yes and yes."

Jeno leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms infront of him. "Are you sure about not having an addiction to holding meetings?"

"It's fun, okay?"

Snickers and scoffs went around the room as Johnny fake laughed to mock them.

"No, but for real, this meeting does have a purpose."

"That's new." Jaehyun muttered under his breath.

"Moonwalk is pretty far from Limitless for us to be commuting daily. If I mentioned this to everyone they would all flip out, but what if we split?"

Johnny nervously looked around the room when no one responded. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Spark actually demonstrated that for them by turning into a pin and falling to the floor.

"I'm confused," Jaemin started, "Are we supposed to flip on a smaller scale or be adults about this?"

"I'm not an adult so I would rather flip." Jungwoo added, his hand slightly raised.

"You are an adult, Woo." Jeno pointed out.

Jungwoo huffed and curled up into the smallest ball he possibly could, leaning against Jaehyun.

"No I'm not."

Johnny sighed again, this time being a bit more pleading. "Come on, guys. There's no way you couldn't have known this was happening."

To further prove the fact that they didn't want to both be adults or talk about splitting up, they all turned to face the wall so their backs were towards Johnny. Jaemin had been the one to start it, but Jisung was the only one who didn't move.

"Ji? Come on, talk to me."

Jisung did his best to keep tears from welling up in his eyes. "It's just like what Renjun said years ago about us lasting only two months. Except he probably got the timer wrong and it's two months from now."

Jaemin gasped and ran over to Jisung, enveloping him in a hug while glaring at Johnny.

"Look what you did."


"Let's all calm down," Jaehyun spoke up, "Johnny actually unfortunately has a point, so let's just talk it out."

No one had stayed facing the wall when Jisung had gotten emotional, most of them having moved closer to him. All but Jaemin returned to their original places, trying their best not to just turn Johnny down immediately.

Because he did have a point. The cafe opened at six in the morning, required at least an hour set up, and had an almost three hour drive to get there. That would mean getting up at around one in the morning.

No one was getting up that early.

Johnny was also concerned with that fact that no one was concerned both Doyoung and Lucas quit their jobs for the cafe. For some reason he thought that deserved some attention.

"Well anyone doing the radio is kind of stuck here if they're in the morning or night time slots." Jungwoo mentioned.

"And I don't think there's any way to keep us from going back and forth everyday." Jeno added.

"I mean, there is," Jisung started, "we just don't like that."

"What if we did a switch after Chenle's radio slot? Then the morning crews could switch with the afternoon crew for the next day." Johnny suggested.

And that would seem like it would work, until you started thinking about it.

"Then anyone running the radio is stuck there all the time." Jeno noted.

"How about on the weekends we all fill in for those that do the radio? Then they get to come back to Limitless or do what they want?" Jungwoo suggested.

Johnny hesitated slightly at the thought of the chaos that could occur.

"That could work."

"So if we just have someone drive out around five and go between the cafes, we'll be good." Jaemin summed up.

They all knew that Yuta was most definitely not just going to stay at Moonwalk all day, especially since it was quite a distance from Sungchan's games. There was no way they were creating a schedule to accommodate him.

Johnny shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

The room nodded as they all unconsciously turned to Jisung. It was almost a habit now.

"Does that work for you, Ji?" Johnny asked.

He nodded after a second. "Yeah, I think that might."

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