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The boys were playing their own version of Monopoly and Risk when Taeyong came down with a bag in his hands despite it being the weekend. The two boards had been placed side by side, and a lot of new rules were added.

Basically, you start by playing Monopoly like normal kids, but if you land on Free Parking, you get the option to switch your piece to the Risk board while still collecting rent from anyone who landed on your properties. When you switch to the Risk board, you automatically gain Alaska despite if anyone owns it, and you try to conquer as much of the map as possible. Only six people were allowed on the Risk map at a time since that's the highest number of people that can play that game, leaving the rest to only run around Monopoly.

If you got defeated in Risk, you went back to Monopoly and were unable to return to Risk, but if you want to switch from Risk to Monopoly, you take the Monopoly piece you had on the Risk board and put it back on Free Parking. The only way to win was to take over both boards completely, and so far WinWin had control of almost the entire Risk map even though they had started playing thirty minutes ago.

In other words, it was going to take them all day.

The only one who wasn't playing was Chenle, of course, so he was sitting in anyone's lap he felt like, occasionally getting up to color. No matter what they tried, he just wouldn't sit still.

They were all too focused on their hybrid game to notice Taeyong coming to join them until he stood behind Johnny and stared in confusion at what they were doing.

"The heck is this?"

"Riskopoly. Want to join? You can have South Africa and Congo." WinWin offered, moving Haechan's pieces out since he had just defeated him.

"Sure." He took a seat between Mark and Hendery, and as the banker, Doyoung handed him a railroad and one of the light blue properties since those were the only ones unowned and they didn't want him to be out of the game right away.

YangYang placed another pompom on the board, this one being little and red, not to be confused with Johnny's big red pompom that owned half the good properties. The most confusing part, though, wasn't who had what property and who was on what board. It was whose turn it was since they went in a random order and not in a circle.

"What in bag?" Chenle asked, tugging on his sleeve.

"Oh yeah, my dad wanted me to bring over snacks and tissues for you guys."

Chenle opened up the bag and started looking through the contents, finding a granola bar and throwing it at Lucas. He then zipped the bag back up and moved it to the side, going back to the hated activity of coloring.

"So how do you play?" Taeyong asked once it came to his turn, the boys shrugging.

"Just do whatever you think works. Doyoung's good at letting us know when we mess up." Yuta glared at the banker, having been nagged more times than necessary.

At one point, Kun flipped over one of the Community Chest cards, just to see it was a Uno reverse card. He showed it to the rest of the group, not even sure where to start in asking what that meant.

"Next time you land on someone else's property and you don't want to pay rent, just use that and then they have to pay the amount to the bank." Jaehyun explained as if Uno reverse cards were natural in Monopoly.

"Hey! Count those spaces again!" Doyoung demanded, and YangYang stared at him blankly, knowing very well he was supposed to go to jail but had skipped over it.

"I don't speak Korean."

"Nice try." Both Kun and WinWin answered back in Chinese, so YangYang switched to German.

"He's got us there." Hendery said with a sigh, but Doyoung wasn't going to let him go that easy.

"You still cheated!"

Jeno placed a hand over Doyoung's mouth to silence him, nodding to YangYang that it was fine. Besides, if he didn't let this one slide, YangYang would probably call him out for switching properties with Haechan when he was too focused on the Risk board.

"And how does this game end?" Taeyong asked, still very confused about this entire game.

All he knew was WinWin had taken over his territories in Africa, and it looked like he was going to start doing the same to the Monopoly properties even though that's not how you play that game. Or was it? He couldn't be sure anymore when he was playing with a red pompom.

Jungwoo then looked him dead in the eye. "It doesn't."

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