Visiting the Demon

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Idea gifted by aye-aye864

It had taken Renjun a bit to realize that someone had replaced the batteries in the clock. Not that it mattered since Lucas didn't know that most modern clocks don't run off of elaborate gear systems anymore, but he knew it was still an inconvenience.

The thing is, yeah, the demon inside the clock wasn't going to be squished, but that ticking noise drove anyone insane after a while. Renjun had drained the batteries for him to give him a break, but doing that again would be too suspicious. Especially since Taeil for some reason made sure the batteries were always fully charged before putting them back in the box.

"About time you came back. Do you know how hard it was to stay silent when they kept changing languages to ask if I was okay? How many languages do those kids know?"

The demon spoke into his mind, the only way the demon could talk while possessing something because projecting a voice was too much effort. Oh yeah, the demon's name is Skip. The youngest and smallest of his demon family cult group community. They call him Skip because they accidentally skip over him a lot.

"We know a lot. Wait, who was talking to you?"

"Ummm.... Tarot, YamYam and Ten? I don't remember what names they said, but there was a taller kid and they kept mentioning you and not letting you know I'm here."

Renjun paused, chuckling when he figured out who the demon must've meant. "Shotaro, YangYang, Ten and Lucas?"

The Lucas part was a guess, but given that he was tall and with that group, it made sense.

"Yeah, probably. They really did not want you to know I was here, though."

"Of course they wouldn't. If they already suspect you're there, draining the batteries for you would be too suspicious. Sorry."

Skip sighed, and for a moment his shadowy form was projected into Renjun's mind. A small, lanky form, but Skip nonetheless.

"I've managed to ignore it by now. I'd rather listen to it than keep getting trampled on the streets."

"Eh, now you've gotta watch our craziness so I don't know. I might take the streets."

"Are you kidding me?! You guys are the best entertainment! I've watched so many things go down when they thought no one was looking. Yesterday I saw the pink haired one making something and he flipped the bowl over his head to see if it would spill. He also pretended to be the mixer-"

Skip was cut off by someone coming upstairs, and Renjun quickly turned so it didn't look like he was staring at a clock. He smiled when he saw it was Haechan, knowing if it had been YangYang, Lucas, Ten or Shotaro they would've been suspicious.

"Oh there you are. Lucas won't shut up about the clock up here being possessed, so I was going to scare him. Want to join me?"

The mischievous glint in Haechan's eyes was too much to refuse. Especially since he was grabbing a black garbage bag. He didn't know what it was going to be used for, but garbage bags were always promising.


Renjun helped Haechan gather a few more things, still not sure what they were going to be used for because no plan was being explained or made. Skip kept throwing enthused guesses into Renjun's mind, none of them seeming very likely. Then again, it was Haechan, so who knows.

"Oh and by the way, I know about Skip so there's no reason to pretend you weren't just talking to a clock."

Renjun whipped his head back to look at the clock, and an image of Skip smiling sheepishly entered his mind.

"How did you-"

"I saw him riding in your pocket. He looked too cute not to check out." Haechan winked at the possessed clock before heading downstairs with the supplies to scare Lucas. Even if they were just things from around the kitchen thrown together.

When Renjun had found Skip, he was stuck in a sidewalk crack trying to not get squished by the people walking. He waited until the people cleared out of the street, picked him up, put him in his pocket and brought him to the cafe.

Skip had been trying to possess the sidewalk to freak people out, but he panicked too much and wasn't able to do it. So he possessed the clock as soon as Renjun brought him in, too exhausted to stay in a physical form for much longer. Clocks were also a lot easier to possess and had some nice leg room to stretch out.

Renjun shrugged and followed Haechan to the basement, watching Haechan set it up. Except he was setting it up right in front of Lucas without even trying to be discreet. All he ended up with was a form covered in a black garbage bag, and it wasn't until late at night when they were all sleeping when they figured out what the scare was.

Lucas had woken up in the night and seen the demon looking form in the dark, screamed, and wouldn't go back to sleep for a long time after that. But Haechan had been smart and slept at his parent's house that night, meaning anyone who wanted to kill him for it would have to wait until morning.

Skip was pretty entertained when they told him about it, using the hour hand on the clock to give Haechan a high five. Though now whenever Skip decided to cause trouble in the kitchen, Haechan was one of the first to be accused. Not that he wouldn't have been before that stunt, though.

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