While the "parents" were splitting up custody, Yuta had managed to keep everyone together. Not that it really mattered since they had all been around the city so many times it was practically impossible to get themselves lost unless they really tried.
And they were going to try.
"Do we have a plan to get lost?" Jaemin asked, not completely understanding why they were trying to get lost, but it sounded like fun.
"If we have a plan, that's not called getting lost." Haechan fired back.
"It's called if you see a street you want to go down, just break off from the group. No need to tell us, just don't get killed or kidnapped." Yuta decided, knowing it was going to be really hard for them to get truly lost if they were all together.
"I thought we were getting lost together..." WinWin muttered so only Jungwoo could hear him.
"Me too."
With no one telling each other when they were breaking off from the group, the numbers dwindled quickly. So much to where Jungwoo and WinWin were the last ones stuck together still walking in a straight line, and WinWin even let Jungwoo hold his hand.
Lucas had Chenle clinging onto his back so the youngest of the group wouldn't get lost, Bella on her leash in front of them, and Hendery, YangYang and Jeno had somehow met back up on the streets. Jaemin had just been following Haechan around, much to the other's annoyance, so they were stuck together.
There was no possible way for Yuta to actually get lost in the city he had traveled so many times on his own (the perks of living on the streets), so he climbed up a fence in an alley and sat there to enjoy the peace and quiet. This was one way to get rid of everyone.
Though Mark took one turn and didn't know where he was. He tried heading back to the group since he had broken off early, but that only got him even more confused. His limited time in Korea hadn't prepared him for going off on his own, especially since every time they went out he never paid attention to where they were.
So while Mark was lost, Hendery, YangYang and Jeno were having a good time.
"I wonder if we can find any stray cats today." Jeno commented, looking into each alley they passed.
YangYang also tried to look for one, but he wasn't sure how to find one. "Is that what you do when you're not with us?"
"I used to. I'm not allowed to bring them home with me, though." He pushed his still broken glasses back up his nose, looking to his left to see Hendery wasn't there anymore. "Aw, we lost Hen."
"Guys look! A kitty!"
"We're not that lucky." YangYang mumbled to himself, following Jeno and the direction Hendery's voice came from.
Hendery was sitting criss-cross down a different alley, an orangey-tan kitten right in front of him, playing with his hand. Jeno stopped YangYang from running over, not wanting to startle the kitten.
"Think we can keep 'em?"
"Will your parents let you?" Jeno was going to be real surprised if they did.
"No. My brother would probably torture him anyways."
YangYang gasped. "What if we kept him in the basement? They let Bella and Ruby go down there."
"Let's go ask!" Hendery carefully picked up the kitten who didn't protest, and the three practically ran back to the cafe. Jeno and YangYang had to pull Hendery away from stop signs and light poles more than usual with his attention on the kitty.
Everyone but Mark was gathered in front of the cafe, waiting for everyone else to get there so they wouldn't get in trouble for splitting up. Turns out they had all been walking around for almost two hours, but WinWin and Jungwoo were waiting for the rest almost all of that.
"Where's Mark?" Lucas asked, Chenle still being carried on his back.
"Not sure, but we found a kitty!" Hendery held him up as if he was Simba.
"I think that's an equal trade." Haechan decided, walking into the cafe and going straight to the basement. They could ask the adults about the kitten when there wasn't a line at the register.
"See? I told you they wouldn't get lost!" Jaehyun exclaimed as soon as he saw what looked like the whole group come down into the basement.
"Ruby!" Chenle squirmed off of Lucas' back, running to the sleeping dog in Taeyong's lap and petting her. Lucas took off Bella's leash and let her run around until she pounced on Doyoung.
"I found a kitty! Do you think the adults will let us keep him?" Hendery showed off the kitten once more, this time looking more towards Johnny.
"Probably. If Mark asks my Mom will let us for sure."
The boys shifted on their feet, suddenly avoiding any eye contact with each other.
"About that... we may have misplaced the Mark."

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanfictionJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...