In Need of A Project

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Hendery trailed behind Kun, bumping into things more frequently than normal because he wasn't paying attention. Kun made him put his hand on his shoulder when he realized he wasn't going to stop following him just so he wouldn't run into anyone in the cafe.

"What if we moved around the bunk beds?"

Kun ignored him for a second as he delivered the coffee cups to a table.

"We've gone over the basement design so many times. There is no other way to get them all to fit other than how we have it now."

Hendery followed him back to the counter, and then back to one of the tables. He could've been mistaken as an intern if the customers hadn't seen him so often.

"Alright but what if we took them apart and put them back together again?"

Kun sighed as he started wiping off one of the tables that had just become vacant.

"You wouldn't have enough time to do that before we all go to bed."

"What if I got help?"

Kun waved his hand around as a gesture to all the people in the cafe. "We're all busy except you."

"No, Chenle, Haechan and Yuta are playing around with the radio equipment."

"That's because they wanted to make sure they knew how it worked."

Kun put Hendery's hand back on his shoulder when he finished with the table, bringing him back behind the counter with him to grab an order. They didn't always deliver orders to customers, but when it was this busy it was better to let them find a seat rather than wait by the register.

"I'm pretty sure they're not actually working."

"Would you like to call them and ask?"


Hendery stopped to wave to a child that was staring at him in awe because of his eye patch, and almost ran into a table when he went to continue on his Kun following mission. It was a good thing Kun grabbed his arm before he could.

"Do you really want to do something with the bunk beds or do you just want something to do?"

Kun handed over the customer's cupcake with a smile, pulling out a napkin for them from his apron. That was his favorite part about wearing an apron.

"Both? I can't tell."

"Let's go find you a job then."

Kun led Hendery back to behind the counter for the almost hundredth time that afternoon, making him stand still where he was out of the way.

"Is there something Hen can do? Literally anything?" Kun asked Taeil, adding in a very desperate whispered please at the end.

"Well someone," Taeil glared at WinWin, quickly softening when he realized it was WinWin and no one could ever get mad at him, "left the bag of marshmallows open yesterday and now they're stale."

"It was an accident!"

"Stale marshmallows are the best. I don't know why you have a problem." Hendery piped up.

"The problem is that we can't give customers stale marshmallows and we're out. Want to go get some more? I'll let you have the stale marshmallows if you do." Taeil offered, knowing very well that there was a bag of marshmallows under the cupboard right next to him.

Hendery needed no other prompting, immediately grabbing some money and heading out. He was back within a second with a sheepish smile.

"Does anyone want to come with me?"

"Sungchan probably isn't doing anything upstairs. Go ask him." WinWin suggested.

So Hendery went and got Sungchan and the two of them headed to the store, coming back with a few more things than marshmallows. But that was fine because they were running out of snacks in the basement anyways. Plus, Sungchan wanted to see what gummy bears dipped in chocolate tasted like, and Johnny wasn't letting him use the nice cafe chocolate.

Hendery got his stale marshmallows as promised, so now he had something to snack on while following Kun around the cafe again.

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