Jungwoo, Mark, Hendery, Lucas, Shotaro, Haechan and YangYang gathered in front of Kun while he was working on dinner with Doyoung and Taeyong, a sure sign for trouble. Especially since they were going to him and not Taeyong.
"What's up?"
"We don't want to adult," Mark immediately answered.
Kun looked to Doyoung and Taeyong for help, but they averted his gaze and kept cooking. Kun sighed and brushed his hands off.
"Why do you need to adult?"
"We don't, we just don't want to."
Kun looked at the clock, deciding they had enough time still left in the day.
"Meet me at the back door, I'll be down in a minute."
The seven of them ran off as Kun turned to Doyoung and Taeyong.
"You two got this?"
Taeyong waved him off, "Yes, go entertain the children."
So Kun grabbed his wallet after washing his hands and met the kids at the back door, directing them out of the cafe. Only after he had done a head count to see how many he had so he hopefully wouldn't lose any, though.
"So where are we going?" Haechan asked, making his voice higher pitched.
"The playground and then we'll grab some ice cream. We're not telling the others about this, okay?"
The seven of them nodded happily, very quickly adopting the roles of children. Literally. Lucas was hanging off of Kun's arm and the others were speaking in aegyo voices. Jungwoo was being relatively normal, but he also kept hugging everyone. Not that that was new.
Kun was very excited when they reached the playground and they ran off in a game of tag. Kun just sat on the swings and watched them. A few of the kids that had already been on the playground joined in on their game, and new rules were added in that they couldn't touch the woodchips or they could only walk. The last one was implemented when Hendery, Mark and Jungwoo collided into each other and Shotaro took the opportunity to tag Mark. Hendery had also been running into things the entire time, so it was a good thing they stopped that.
They left when some of the actual kids had to start leaving for dinner, but not before Haechan took the opportunity to sneak up behind Kun and push him off the swings. Kun was ready to chase Haechan around the entire playground to get his revenge, but Lucas and Jungwoo restrained him.
"Do we get ice cream for dinner now?" YangYang asked, and when Kun checked the time on his phone it really was going to end up being for dinner.
"Like I said, don't tell anyone."
"We're actually getting ice cream?!" Shotaro looked genuinely surprised, causing both Jungwoo and Mark to pinch his cheeks.
"By now you'd think you'd be used to being randomly treated."
"WinWin still isn't." Hendery pointed out.
"WinWin still isn't used to love, he doesn't count." Haechan countered, pulling Mark away from Shotaro because he wasn't an actual baby. Haechan of course took the opportunity to kiss Mark's cheek, and the two started bickering.
"Last one to the ice cream place is a loser!" Lucas shouted, sprinting down the street.
While Kun normally wouldn't have participated in their antics, he wasn't about to be called a loser. He ended up tying with Hendery so there was no real loser.
Jungwoo clung to Kun as soon as they entered the ice cream shop and started looking through the flavor choices.
"Want me to order for you Woo?"
Jungwoo nodded happily, "Yes please."
Ordering anywhere was Jungwoo's least favorite thing, and he always made someone do it for him. This time YangYang had heard the deal happen and decided to take the chance.
"Can you order for me too?"
"And me?" Shotaro sheepishly added, and before Kun knew it, he was ordering for everyone but Lucas because he didn't mind ordering.
Luckily they all stuck around to grab their ice cream orders when they were ready and they ate them outside cuddled up on a bench that probably should've only fit four or five people. Not eight. But it worked out because it was getting chilly and none of them were dressed appropriately.
As soon as the eight of them got back to the cafe, they ran straight to the basement and curled up under blankets for the night, watching a movie that the rest of the younger kids joined in watching.

[Neo Zone] Population: 23 Kids
FanfictionJohnny's parents own a cafe, and no, the 23 kids did not come with the lot. They were bonuses found along the way. 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆 : the refuge of the ones in need and the savior of all humanity. If you need help, go through the Limitles...