I've Got You

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30 Years Later

I moaned out in pain, the cancer was getting worse Stage four. I cried and cried, Carl, Naveah, Luke, Mika, and everyone was there and I mean everyone. Carl was crying into my hand as he held it, the doctor said I was to be gone by tonight. Suddenly it hit me hard I screamed and screamed and Beth wanted to scream out. She ran to my side and crawled into the bed with me. "Callie....please" she whined. I smiled and looked at Rick, my son. He was only 30 and I was going to die. I looked at all my kids, they all were married and k was proud of them all successful even in the apocalypse. Yes everything was fine. Beth and I had our babies perfectly. Daryl passed away three months ago so obviously Beth wasn't ready to loose another. I looked at her and smiled weakly "I love you Beth, your gonna make it through life I swear on it". She sobbed. I looked at my kids and said good bye and than looked at Carl. He was crying no noise. I squeezed his hand lightly. "Carl, your mine forever and I'll love you even in heaven. I've got you". I said before all I felt was utter nothingness, I was dead.

"Carl, your mine forever and I'll love you even in heaven. I've got you". Then her eyes closed her eyes. She's dead. I screamed her name loud and I mean ear shattering loud. "Callie!!!" I sobbed loudly into her stomach. I held her in my arms tightly. "Callie callie Callie, I've got you, forever and always".

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Where stories live. Discover now