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Hahhaahha you thout it was ovah bitch no

I kissed Carl and sighed, he was going on a run with Daryl, Michone, Rick, and Tyreese. Beth was pregnant and saying goodbye to Daryl. While Tyreese was saying goodbye to Julie. Michone and Rick were kissing Judith goodbye as well as Carl. Judith reattached herself to my hand and Naveah hugged Carl. "Bye daddy" she said sleepily. He brushed her stray hairs out of her face "be good for mommy okay baby girl?" She nodded. And kissed his cheek. He then got in the car. Naveah attached herself to my hand and we waved goodbye them. Once they were out of sight I picked them up and walked back to the house. The sun wasn't even up yet so they needed some shows. "Go pick some clothes and come down here go!" I said and they went upstairs I had on a red sweatshirt with the sleeves pushed up a pair of shorts and my sneakers also with my hair in a pencil bun. I started them The Land Before Time show and started breakfast. The girls came down the stairs in their pink flower boots and skirts with matching shirts. They held out flowers and hair tyes for me to put in their hairs. I smiled and did their hair and they went and watched the show. I set everything up for them and Luke walked in with a boy named James. "Mom this is James the kid I spent the night with!" I nodded "hi". He then went upstairs and came back down with some clothes "I'm getting some more clothes okay?" I nodded and he left. Beth came over and we decided to talk about babies and things. It was exciting really. The girls were finally tired so I put them in my bed and turned on a show for Beth and I. We talked for awhile and about what would happen if the place got overrun I told her everyone had escape cars with gas and walkies and also they were supposed to have getaway bags. So it was settled if it happened. We then heard screams and shots and the all to familiar moans. I looked at Beth "you jinxed us dammit!!". We got up and Beth went for her things and I grabbed Judith and my things and threw them in the car and put Judith in the back and Naveah was with Beth and we all piled in the car and went on our way. Everyone was getting bit, I wasn't risking it. I then realized something " Luke!!! Mika!!" I screamed out. I was so scared I wasn't with them. I then started crying "Luke, Mika!!". Beth just drove and drove we eventually made it to a house, the house we were in before the one now. Or used to be. We walked in and I sat there Carl and Mika and Luke could be gone everyone gone.


We finished early and pulled up to the town, the walls were down and places were up in flames. Right when we pulled in I jumped out, Michone yelled my name but I didn't listen I went to my house and saw Luke comforting Mika on the couch I saw things moved around. "Dad!" They yelled and hugged me. "Mom and Naveah and Judith are gone so is Beth!". I sighed "they they're probably alive just get your stuff you guys okay?" They nodded and grabbed their things and the food we could and walked out my dad looked at me "Judith?" I nodded "the getaway car is gone, Cal had to have taken it". Daryl showed up "Beth and the babies things are gone but the getaway car is still here so she's probably with Cal". We all nodded and got into two separate cars, this made things easier. I was going to find her, no matter how long it took.

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