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I was  with Daryl and he held me tightly against his chest. I finally slept, I felt so tired I couldn't even open my eyes. All of the sudden I heard noise and I was set down. I opened my eyes and rolled down a hill onto the train tracks again I groaned loudly. "Shoot the damn thing Glenn" Glenn? I  turned and looked at them I saw four unfamiliar faces and pulled out my gun and saw Maggie and Glenn. I dropped my gun literally on the ground "Callie...." I ran to them and they squeezed me tightly between them. "Sascha, Bob!" I yelled and hugged them too. "Are you out her alone? After the governor uh yeah did you make it out okay?" I nodded giddiily. They laughed "well where's everyone else Naveah made it out with Carl and-" I cut him off "I know I'm with them and Michone.". They smiled "show us the way!" They grinned and we went back up the cliff and we looked around they weren't anywhere but I saw Carl's flannel shirt. I looked at it "he would never just drop this one..." I said scared. I got that one for him for our 1 month. Maggie gave me a sorrowful look " we'll find them Cal I promise but we we gotta get to Terminus its safe there their probably almost there" I then did something I'd never thought I'd do...cry. I stood there and sobbed Naveah Carl Michone. Daryl all gone. Glenn wrapped an arm around me and I thought about Carl.

I thought he was there but he was just gone. I put on shorts, tank top, sneakers, and Carl's flannel and picked up Naveah. It's not like him to leave me without saying goodbye first. I sighed and walked out with Naveah on my hip I saw the bottle Beth made for Naveah she obviously had Judith and Judith was up early. I saw Beth up where Daryl was with Judith singing. I grabbed some quick food for me and went to me cell I was probably gonna be on guard duty with Carl and I'd take Naveah with me and then I'd also have to cook dinner. I groaned and set Naveah up on the floor with toys and I grabbed a book and put a baby cage to keep her from getting out. I sighed slightly at the thought that Carl didn't say goodbye to me this morning. Why was I acting like this?! It's not like I love him  or something... or wait maybe I do love him!? I was so tuned into my thoughts that I couldn't hear Naveah screaming. I picked her up and cried as I fed her for some reason.
End of Flashback

I heard a familiar voice and turned around and saw someone I'd never think to see again. Abraham. "Abe?" I said he looked at me focusing in on my braces "California?" I groaned at my name and he laughed."I hate to say it Cal but I thought you were dead" I nodded "same here" we updated each other and he smirked when i told him about Carl. "I guess I'll have to meet this boy" I nodded laughing. We eventually saw signs on a building spelling Terminus. "Are we here?" Rosita groaned. I giggled as we walked in with our weapons out. There was a sign on a fence saying lower you're weapons, you're safe. We put them up and walked in to see a lady grilling. "Hi I'm Anna welcome to Terminus Gareth fix them a plate". I looked down at Naveah we were out of formula. "Um" I said to the lady and she handed me some water and formula. "Thank you!" I said and sat down and fed her humming. I ate slowly this tastes heavenly. After awhile they asked to see our weapons and things and then we were all stripped of them and I screamed when they took Naveah. "Naveah!!" I screamed as the lady took her she smirked at me and we were all dragged off to cart A. I screamed and yelled as we we were shoved inside of it. I cried "Naveah!!! Naveah!!!" I banged on the door until night time when they pushed in some formula water and her diaper bag with Naveah. I ran to her and picked her up she was okay. I hugged her and fed her and changed her. The next we heard yelling and noises. Ring Leader? Samaria, Hunter and boy? What? Then we all hid in the darkness of the corner. I recognized who they were and stood up. "Cal?" Michone said everyone else stood up. "Who are they?" Rick asked nervously "Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita". Rick nodded "they are about to know something" Glenn raised an eyebrow "what?" Rick turned around and answered "they just fucked with the wrong people".

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