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I wanted to scream he knew and decided to go for my sister and now she's dead! I went outside and just sat in the grass as Alex came up to me and threw an arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I miss her" he sighed "me too Cal, me too". We sat there just wondering if we would ever not lose anyone. I miss her like crazy but, I've also missed Carl like crazy as well. And then I heard crying and screaming, Naveahs crying and screaming. I ran to find Beth holding Naveah and Beth looked at me "help!". I grabbed Naveah and hummed softly to her "shh baby that's it shh". She was done and she clapped. Beth sighed "she woke up so I changed her diaper and clothes and then fed her and she started screaming I didn't know what to do I'm so sorry". I nodded before I could speak Carl's voice spoke "yeah she's always been good with Naveah". He walked over to me and took her out of my hands and played with her. Beth grabbed my hand and led me to her and Cams cell. "Okay so spill it sister!" I raised an eyebrow "what?" She rolled her eyes "I mean Carl and you because there's alot of tension between y'all!". Was there?. I looked at her "okay but if I tell you you can't tell anyone else okay?". She nodded excitedly "okay you know that 'dream' I had. Well it wasn't a dream it was real and the universe gave me a second chance to well try everything over and Carl had the same thing happen to him too! So that's it. Other than the fact that a lot of us die and the prison gets overrun. So yeah and that Carl and I were together and kinda in love". Her eyes were wide "seriously so like lots of us were meant to die?" I nodded. "Wow that's awesome". I laughed "yeah but, yeah" she grinned "have you told Sophia this?" I nodded "before she was supposed to die I told her everything and she told me she'd get tougher and so she lived". She nodded "I wish we could save Cam" I nodded. After awhile Beth and I fell asleep. I woke up in my bed the same morning before she killed herself. Thank you Universe!! I ran to the roof and grabbed her. ",Cam listen to me okay!" I told her everything and she looked at me weird "Cal if your serious than I have to tell you something". I nodded "we all lived after you left with Gramps all of us we lived". I nodded and hugged her "thank you for believing me Cam". She grinned "I thought I'd find you up here Cam- oh hey Cal". Cam looked at Carl then me "Carl I don't think we should be together anymore I'm sorry". He nodded sadly "uh okay uhm bye". He walked away "wanna move into my cell Cam?" She nodded "yas let's do it!" We told Beth and Sophia so they switched and we were sisters again. Wow this was way better than being with Carl. Sisters before Misters!!

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