What Am I Gonna Do?

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After she stormed off McKenna tapped her chin "oops". She walked off smirking and Beth, Michone, and the kids came outside. "Nice job asshole". I groaned as Daryl and my dad came out and out hands on my shoulders. "Dad what am I gonna do?". He sighed "Carl, honestly your gonna need to give Cal her space, you know her better than anybody so really do what she would want you to". I nodded and they found me a hotel when I got there my clothes hair things, everything in the yard. I got everything and put it in my dads car and the kids came out and said goodbye. Naveah laughed as she hugged me "have fun on your trip daddy!". I gasped they told her I was going on a trip. I waved as I drove to the hotel. I got everything inside and sat down on the bed. I yelled out and rubbed my face I needed her more than life itself!!


Once I was ready I fixed up some dinner and I sat there, missing Carl. He didn't go in for the kiss but he let her kiss him that's what I'm mad about. Mika yelled my name "yes baby?" I asked "we want dad". I sighed "He's on a trip Miks". She rolled her eyes "lies!!" She screamed and ran to her room. Luke patter my shoulder as I laid my head on the table. "I'm sorry mom". I groaned and called the hotel he was staying in. Once he answered I sighed "Carl, Mika wants you and you aren't coming back for awhile so call her please". He hesitated "uh okay I will Cal, uhm bye I love you". I hung up. I don't think so lover boy not today.

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